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Digimon Tamers Zero Two - Chapter 3

Digimon Tamers Zero Two

by Nikhilesh / DigimonTamer02

Hey DT02 here with the next chap! 

Disclaimer: I don’t own Digimon.



Chapter 3: Hearts and Minds (A.K.A The Tower of Love and Sincerity)



< After teleporting home>


Henry: Whew! What a day!


Rika: Yeah.


Takato: I could use a little rest


T.K: At least you’re okay, but the temple was destroyed!


Izzy: Chill out T.K! Like Agumon and Gabumon said, the crests are there as a temp. Power source.


T.K: yeah, you’re right.


Takato/Henry: We‘ll rest tomorrow and head to the digi-world Sunday.


<Everyone exchanges good-byes and leaves>


T.K: So, how did it go?


Koji: It’s so cool!


Taks: Yeah


Patamon JR: There we saw Shurimon and Korikamon.


Veemon: Boy, they were so handful!


<Everyone laughs and Taks heads home.>


<Meanville in the digi-world>


DarkAngemon: Those meddling brats! They destroyed the two of my best digimon!


UNKNOWN VOICE:  I think I can help sir…


DarkAngemon: Well of course you can… Now get me the next destiny spore!!


<Cut to Real world>


<Koji stares at his D-Power>


Patamon: Koji, what’s wrong?


Koji: Well, it’s strange how my Digivice changed to a D-Power.


Patamon: Now that you’ve mentioned it, I thought it was weird too.


Koji: Wait! Could it be because after SkullSatamon knocked you out, I somehow gave you extra strength to fight back, causing it to change…?


Patamon: Yeah, I see where you are going.


<T.k enters>


T.K: Well hit the sack guys, Tomorrow’s Saturday so you sleep in if u want to.


Koji: Sure, it’s been a long day.


T.K: mmm


<They exchange good-nights and head to sleep>


<Cut to Taiora’s house>


<Phone rings>


Tai: Hello?


Matt: Hey Tai.

Tai: Oh Matt! How’s it goin?


Matt: Good! Listen I heard there is a meeting today at the Shinjuku NS* building for the hearing of the Digi-world market. I’m headin there cause my gig’s playing today, you comin?



Tai: Of course? My company is there for that hearing itself?!


Matt: Ohh?! So about lunch?


Tai: Wouldn’t miss it, later.


Sora: Tai, who was that?


Tai: That was Matt. He’s headed for the NS building for his gig and since I’m there for the meeting, we decided to have lunch.


< Tai looks at the time at eats like the road-runner>


Sora: Take it easy, the meeting is not going to run away from you.


Tai: I will, if the staff calls out a riot against me for being late! By the way where is Agumon?


Sora: Sleeping with Biyomon, He’s tired from yesterday’s battle


< Tai and Sora exchange kisses, then Tai leaves>


Sora: Well, I can check my e-mail now, since its Saturday!


< Checks Mail>


Sora: Hey there is one from Mimi!


Sora: “hey Sora, wanna go to the Digi-World for a change” -Mimi


Sora: Sure why not? Biyomon get up and let’s go!


<Cut to Rika>


Renamon: Rika, what’s wrong?



Rika: I feel anxious for Koji.


Renamon: Anxious as in?


Rika: Well, like he doesn’t have a Mom and I feel sorry for him!


Renamon: Well Rika you have changed since my departure.


Rika: Yeah, but I really want to help him.


Renamon: Rika, Koji is fine and I think he moved on towards his life.


Rika: Yeah, you’re right.


< Back to Digi-World>


Sora: Hi Mimi!


Mimi: Hi Sora!


<Exchange hugs both human and digimon.>


Sora: Hey Mimi, where are we?


Palmon: The Tower of Love and Sincerity


Biyomon: Where the Tanemon and Yokomon are.


<All see Yokomon /Tanemon>


Sora: I remember them; we saved them from that Meramon with a black gear.


Biyomon: Mmmhmm


<Suddenly dark gate appears>


SkullMeramon: HAAA! REMEMBER ME!


Mimi: Oh great! It’s the guy who made my face sweatier from the tower in Odiaba.


Palmon: Don’t worry, we can fry him again!


Biyomon: Just let u…….


SkullMeramon: MetalFireball!


<Attack hits Biyomon and Palmon towards the tower.>


Sora/Mimi: Oh No!


Mimi: We need backup!


<Takes her D-Terminal and contacts Izzy>


Mimi: Izzy are you there?


Tentomon: Izzy is asleep! But I am not.




Tentomon<sweatdrops>: Yes, in a jiffy!


<Tentomon finds rika’s coordinates and sends digi-portal>


Tentomon: portal sent Mimi!


Mimi: Thanks!


<Deactivates D-Terminal.>


Mimi: Sora, Tentomon sent the portal to one of those tamers, hello Sora can you hear me!


< Sora notices Biyomon and Palmon gain power>


Mimi: Woah! Guys are you ok?


Palmon: Mimi, Digivolve me now!


Biyomon: Sora, you too!


<Sora/Mimi point Digivices at their digimon>


Garudomon: GARUDOMON!


Lilymon: LILYMON!


Sora: They had the power to digivolve to ultimate!


Mimi: Neat-O!



Renamon: hmm.


Rika: What is it, Renamon?


Renamon: Rika, the Digi-portal is coming this way and it needs our help!


Rika: Okay!


Renamon: I’ll Digivolve Now!


Rika: Go for it!






Kyubimon: Ready? < Then jumps toward sky>


Rika: Yeah! Digi-Port Open!!


<Both disappear in the sky>


<Back at Village>


Garudomon: WING BLADE!




< Attacks make SkullMeramon>


SkullMeramon: You wimps, I am powerful now, Metal chain!


<Chain ropes Garudomon and Lilymon by neck!>


Garudomon: Can’t breath!


Lilymon: Need assistance!


Sora: Hang in there!


Mimi: Where is that tamer?!




<Attack breaks chain>


<Kyubimon appears>


Sora: Woah!


Mimi: Cool!


Rika: Sorry I am late!


Sora: No problem


Mimi: Nice Hair Style!


Rika: Thanks! Kyubimon suit up!


<Digi-modify sequence>


Rika: Digi-Modify, Digivolution Activate!






Taomon: The Trouble stops here, TALISMON LIGHT!


<Hits SkullMeramon>


SkullMeramon: Ha, MetalFireball!


<Attack destroys part of tower and steals destiny spore>


<Skull Meramon is deleted>


<All digimon de-digivolve.>


Rika: I...uh well...


Biyomon: It’s okay.


Palmon: The Crests are there for us.


<Rika relieved and exchanges good-byes with Sora and Mimi, then leaves>


<Cut DarkAngemon>


DarkAngemon: AAGH! This is getting serious!!!


Narrator: With 2 areas down, how will the kids protect the remaining 3?


To Be Continued…


DT02: See ya next chapter, and please leave reviews! (Not in Outlook express)

Nothing much as far as I know. D:
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