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Together We Fight; Together We Fall - Chapter 1

Disclaimer: I do not own Digimon, nor do I own the characters. I do, however, own Tanjiro, Jinjiro, Ayari, and Adaruriku and I own the plot to this story. After all, the purple lightning is MINE! *evil cackle*


Summary: No warning came with the lightning, only it’s blazing glory, and only those that were meant to see it saw it. It swooped down across the earth capturing its prisoners and swept them away to the world of Digimon where each of the groups would meet for the first time, and be forced to fight together, and to fall together.


Warnings: Takari (TK/Kari), Sorato (Sora/Matt), Joumi (Joe/Mimi), Kenyako (Ken/Yolei), Jerato (Jeri/Takato), Ryuki (Ryo/Rika), Jenrice (Henry/Alice), and Takumi (Takuya/Zoe). The story will be mostly action so if you disagree with any of these couples, it’ll be easy to look right over.


Author’s Note: I’m not going to pretend to know the Japanese version of Digimon seeing as all I know is the American version. I’m more or less using the names that were changed in dub other than Kouji that is actually Koji in English (but it looks completely stupid, so Kouji.) I'm using UK English spell check so if any words look funny to you, that's probably why. I take Constructive Criticism amazingly well, and in fact feed off of it. Tell me what you like and what you don’t like, I’ll see if I can change and/or fix it. Thanks to those who have all ready helped me and enjoy.





Chapter One:

The Eye Of The Storm



“The world has been more or less normal for the past four years. One would never guess that anything odd had happened at all! But the whole gang and I keep in touch just in case. After all, you can never know. We’re all on edge just waiting for that call to the Digital World once again. By the gang I mean us, the Digidestined. We’re broken up into two groups: the original Digidestined, and the latest group of Digidestined. Only Kari and I are part of both groups. I’m Takeru Takaishi by the way, but please, call me TK.


“I’ve been star player on the school’s basketball team for the past four years and I am now on my way to getting a scholarship off of it. My coach says that if I don’t get into college through basketball then it’ll make him go bonkers, but I have other plans. I’ve taken up a love for writing, and I think that’s what I’ll work on instead. Basketball’s only a hobby now.


“Hikari 'Kamiya' Yagami is my girlfriend, but she’d rather be called Kari. She’s just as cautious and selfless as she always was. She’s in an extracurricular program called ‘Teachers Of Tomorrow’. She’ll become that Kindergarten teacher, I just know that she will. She was told that she shows true promise. I wasn’t surprised. She has a hobby as well. Dancing. She’s really light on her feet and she’s taking ballet as a side class. One would wonder why she would choose to be a teacher over a dancer, but I know why.


“Daisuke ‘Davis’ Motomiya, is over his crush on Kari, I think. He, of course, wasn’t too happy when he learned that Kari and I were going out, but now he’s found a new obsession. The odd thing is that this obsession is obsessed over him back. She doesn’t go to our school, she goes to Ken’s school and apparently they met at a soccer match when the two schools faced off and they clicked. Davis is just as determined in soccer as ever before, but at least now he has a side hobby as well. Cooking. He still dreams of opening that noodle cart, and I still don’t know why.


“Miyako ‘Yolei’ Inoue and Ken Ichijouji are dating and happy. Ken is still like a lightning on the soccer field and Davis’ only rival. Yolei is, of course, the one usually teaching her teachers when it comes to computers. She had to actually fix her Science teacher’s computer when it crashed last week. She got paid a good amount for it. It was pretty cool. I heard the other day that Ken just asked Yolei to his school dance. Apparently, between girls, that’s a big thing. I heard Kari squealing about it over the phone with Yolei. Cody, apparently, was the one that advised Ken to ask her. Ken may be a genius, but he doesn’t know the first thing about girls.


“Iori ‘Cody’ Hida, I hear, has a group of fan girls fawning over him at his school. No wonder, either. He’s changed a lot from the little kid he use to be. He just earned his black belt and gets really great grades. But I heard from a very reliable source, which I am not at obligation to reveal, that the only girl he likes isn’t interested in boys at this stage and time, but they are really great friends. Cody will have her fawning over him within the week.


“Yamato ‘Matt’ Ishida, my brother, is just as popular as ever. His band is doing great and is going on tour all over Japan. I had heard that during one of his shows he picked up a girlfriend and fell in love with her. I later found out that he had tried to pick up Sora, and ended up tripping and fell over. Oh well, Sora loved him anyway.


“Sora Takenouchi took up a love for designing a year before she graduated. It surprised us all. Sporty Sora? Taking up designing? It didn’t seem like her. Mimi got the truth out of her. The cute art teacher at her school told her she had a knack for drawing and that she could make a good living from designing. She still plays soccer and tennis occasionally, but that’s more of the past now that she travels with Matt all of the time. I’ve seen some of her drawings and I have to admit, they are pretty good.


“Mimi Tachikawa moved back to Tokyo after she graduated in America. She has a slight American accent now. Her old boyfriend had to stay behind so they broke it off. For good reasons it would seem. Instead of becoming a designer like Sora as we all thought, she took a love for acting. Hosting especially. Well, she always did love to be in the spotlight. She has a contract signed right now and is just getting the details together. She says that they’ll start airing the show in November of next year. She’s to get married in July; I think that’s what’s holding her off. Oh, didn’t I mention that she’s engaged? Well, she is. That’s why it was so good that she broke it off with Michael, because it’s to our very own Joe.


“Dear ol’ Jou ‘Joe’ Kido. I never thought he’d get the guts to even ask her out, let alone ask her to marry him! He’s getting his college degree this May. He’ll be an official doctor then. A lot is going for him. He’s practically filthy rich all ready, and with Mimi as a star and him becoming a doctor they’ll never have to worry about money again.


“Koushirou ‘Izzy’ Izumi just graduated from high school this spring: Valedictorian, of course. He mentioned all of us in his speech. It was quite touching. He also mentioned his adopted parents and his girlfriend, Lizzy. Izzy and Lizzy. Kari thinks they’re the cutest couple ever. I have no comment. Izzy has been getting scholarships left and right asking, actually more like begging, him to come to their college. He’s having quite a hard time choosing. Everyone knows better then to try to give him advice.


“Taichi ‘Tai Kamiya' Yagami, Kari’s big brother, was really depressed when Sora chose Matt to love instead of him. I felt really sorry for him, and I wasn’t the only one. Everyone began to set him up on dates ASAP to try to make him happy again. Nothing worked. Not until we stopped. He still hasn’t found anybody, but he’s happy again. He’s actually happy for Sora and Matt now. Kari thinks that Tai’s seeing someone in secret and doesn’t want anyone interfering. I have to agree. It does seem highly suspicious.


"Willis Raynio is the last of our gang. Well, he’s not really part of the gang, but he’s a Digidestined nonetheless. He’s the smartest out of all of us and already has a job with some company or rather here in Tokyo and he’s my age! He’s originally from America, but he moved here after our final battle. Ever since then we’ve thought of him as one of the gang. He’s single as well at the moment, but he had a girlfriend only a few weeks earlier. She broke up with him and he became depressed. Whenever he gets depressed he buries himself in his work. He’s slowly coming out of it, I believe.


"So, you see, we all are just sitting and waiting for something happen. Someone may call us crazy for waiting and not moving on with our lives, but even if we did feel perfectly safe we wouldn’t move on. Because moving on meant losing contact of each other, and there’s no way we’ll let that happen. So, we’ll just sit around and wait expecting something to happen. But I’m sure we’re all just being paranoid, right?”




The autumn breeze floated through the trees and brushed across TK while his pen moved feverishly back and forth across the notebook. The wind ruffled the page a bit, but he was too absorbed in what he was writing to do anything other than flatten the page once again. One would think that TK was oblivious to the world, but the truth was that he knew exactly what was going on around him; he just didn’t react to it.


It wasn’t until someone covered his eyes with their hands and then planted a small kiss on his cheek did he stop writing. He smiled and said, “Oh, hello, Lina. I was so afraid it was that other girl, Kari.”


“And hello to you too, Seiya. I would have died if I had run into that boy, TK.” Kari giggled as she removed her hands from his eyes and took a seat beside him looking over his shoulder at what he was writing. “So, where are you now in the story?”


 “I’m where Myotismon took our little heroine when she so unselfishly gave herself up to save an incompetent brother and his future girlfriend.” TK said with a small smile as he gave Kari a sideways glance.


“Really? Well, does the heroine get away?” Kari asked as if she had never heard the story.


“Oh, she does, but only barely. Everyone else tried to help, but all of their attacks were fruitless until the heroine’s future boyfriend came to the rescue and was able to ward off Myotismon long enough for our heroine to get enough strength to defend herself.” TK explained as if he was telling a story to an oblivious child.


“Well, that heroine sure is lucky to have that guy around, especially if he ends up being her boyfriend.” Kari said wisely, a small smile playing her lips.


“Actually, I think that the guy ended up with the better bargain.” TK teased as leaned in toward her.

"Oh, do you? Well, I think they’re pretty much even,” Kari whispered before planting her lips onto TK’s and tasting his kiss. When they pulled apart, Kari smacked her lips and said, “But the heroine definitely got the better deal when it came to kissing.”


TK chuckled and turned back to his spiral and flipped through the front of the book, which was all covered in writing. “It’s amazing how many adventures we shared.”


“And that’s only the first half.” Kari reminded him. “You’ll write the whole story and then you’ll publish it and you’ll get millions of dollars from people buying your books, none of them ever knowing that it all happened.”


“And for all we know,” TK continued for her, “There’s just another adventure around the corner waiting for us, and I’ll have to write that down as well.” He paused a moment and laughed, “I’m going to get arthritis from all of this writing. I can’t believe my wrists haven’t given out on me yet!”


“Because you’re built for writing.” Kari said simply as she stood. She stared up at the clouds. Off in the distance she could see a group of grey clouds tumbling toward them. She swallowed and said, “Looks like it’s going to rain.”


TK looked up at the clouds and nodded in agreement, “Yeah, it does.” He turned back to Kari who was looking a bit worried at the prospect. “Want to stay at my house again tonight?”


Kari smiled and nodded, “That would be great.”


Their parents trusted the two of them very much. Kari often spent the night at TK’s house, but they never once did a thing besides kiss. TK always gave up his bed for Kari and he always took the couch. His mother was there most of the time, but sometimes she had to work late and it just worked out the way it did. So, now, it was no surprise to find either of them sleeping at one or the other’s house, just not together.


TK stuffed his notebook into his backpack and quickly slung one strap over his shoulder before grabbing Kari’s hand in his own. He smiled at her and led her back to his apartment. The arrangements were planned and everything set by the time dinner was in the oven. Kari cooked as always. They were asleep before the moon was fully in the sky. 




“Time for you to be gone once and for all!” Devimon screamed as he pointed his long pointy fingers toward a figure at the end of the hall that lay motionless. TK recognized who it was at once, and stared in horror as a beam of blood red light headed for him.


“Patamon! Look out!” TK screamed as he raced toward his digital friend.


The red light stopped as if commanded by his cry. It seemed almost as if time had stopped itself. The motionless Digimon suddenly stirred and flapped his small wings and hovered in the air for a few seconds before speaking.


“TK! I need your help! We need your help! Please TK! We’re desperate! Evil is coming and there’s nothing to stop it!” The little figure suddenly blinked and the red light was moving again, and before TK could say a thing the red light engulfed his partner. He saw his friend slowly start to disappear in a whirl of data. He could still hear Patamon’s echo, “Help us, TK!”


TK tried to grab for him, but all his hands touched was empty air. He was too late, too late to save him when he had asked for help. It was his entire fault. He would never see Patamon again. “No! Patamon! COME BACK!”



TK sat straight up quicker than lightning. His heart was racing and he could feel dampness all over his body from sweat. His big T-shirt stuck to his back and as he stood, he grabbed his pants by the couch and slipped them over his boxers just in case Kari was to get up. It would be his nightmare for her to see him only in his boxers and shirt. He stood in his spot unsteadily and tried to make his way to the bathroom. He was able to make it there unscathed and perfectly fine. TK splashed a bit of water on his face and looked into the mirror. He froze. For a second, only a split second, he was sure that he had saw Myotismon’s reflection behind him. He shook his head trying to clear his mind.


Two evil Digimon in one night, this isn’t cool, TK thought to himself as he splashed more water on his face. He was about to make his way back to the couch when the whole apartment shook as if in an earthquake, but the shaking only lasted a second. TK had to grab the doorframe for support as the shaking past.


A second after the shaking ended, Kari came running out of his bedroom, wearing her tank top and pants pyjamas and having her short hair pulled back into a very messy ponytail so that the hair in the front that was too short to be pulled back fell in her face anyway. She look flustered and said, almost breathless, “What was that?”


TK shook his head and added a shrug for support. He slowly walked out of the bathroom and walked to the window and looked out it. He couldn’t see anything other than pouring down rain. The thought of lightning striking the building entered his mind for a minute, but before he could say anything a green light suddenly illuminated the room and it didn’t take long to find the source. TK ran to his backpack and picked up his D3 that was glowing brightly.


A second later, a pink light followed and Kari ran into his bedroom where her backpack was and came back a second later, holding her glowing D3. Kari and TK looked at each other for a second, fear and astonishment reflected in their eyes.


No words were exchanged between them before both of them ran to the window once more and looked out. As they had predicted silently, eleven lights of their own respectful colours broke through the night and shined brightly. They saw an electric purple lightning flash across the sky and break off into branches. It was almost as if it was in slow motion as each branch seemed to be attracted to each beam of light. They saw the lightning hit the window that was the only thing protecting them and heard the window shatter. They covered their faces and ears from the deafening sound of shattering glass.


There was a pause in which nothing happened and both Kari and TK looked up confused only to find two streams of electrical purple light just hovering there in the window as if suddenly frozen. One of the streams suddenly shot toward them quickly and hit Kari squarely in the chest. She was knocked out instantly and the purple light seemed to encase her and it lifted her off the ground, her body limp and hovering.


TK looked at the light in front of him and knew instantly that he was next, and he guessed correct. The purple lightning streamed forward and knocked him straight in the chest. It felt as if he was just hit by a series of hot knives one after the other. It was ripping his chest apart. He could feel his skin starting to stretch and tear. He couldn’t breath. His heart was stopping. The pain was too much. Everything went black.


If anyone were to look out their window that night, they would have seen thirteen glowing figures being risen up into the sky and disappearing with a strike of lightning, and if anyone would have taken noticed, they would have seen a flash of a world that was parallel with theirs but not really there.




“I wouldn’t exactly call us normal, even now. We haven’t seen any of our Digimon for four years and yet we still obsess about them. It’s weird watching the show now that we have actually been apart of it. The whole gang and I usually gather to just sit around and watch it pointing out things we remember and saying if that Digimon was really that bad or if they were actually quite nice. We all have our favourite episodes, not to mention that we have all changed a lot over the years.


“Takato 'Matsuki' Matsuda thinks that the best show on Digimon is the episode where TK defeats Piedmon. Apparently, TK became his favourite character over the years. ‘He’s such a poor little kid, having to deal with that at such a young age. I think he’s the bravest guy I’ve ever seen.’ We try to remind him that it’s just a show and that the Digital World was created after the series came out, but he won’t listen. He’s still drawing like crazy for anything and everything. He’s gotten into drawing comics now and I hate to admit it, but he’s actually pretty good. He usually gets all of his inspiration from Jeri.


“Juri 'Jeri' Katou is Takato’s girlfriend. She says that she adores the episode where Patamon finally Digivolves to Angemon but is killed by Devimon. She cries whenever the episodes of Leomon come on; too many painful memories for her. That’s the only thing that can get her down nowadays when everything’s been going better. She’s finally lost the hand puppet and it is now replaced with a video camera. She walks around most of the day videotaping everything.


“Ruki ‘Rika Nonaka’ Makino says that her favourite episode is in season two when Kari is pulled to the Dark Ocean. She never gives a reason for anything so we don’t really know why, but I have a theory. I have a theory for everything that she does that she doesn’t give an explanation for. Like when she suddenly decided not to hate Ryo anymore and instead love him surprising us all except him. She never follows the same track, that girl. She’s still going to a private school, but her mother no longer cares what she looks like or wants to become when she gets older. Rika’s just the same old Rika. Except, she has a new favourite T-shirt and this one’s heart isn’t broken.


“Ryo Akiyama, as I said, is dating Rika. He often argues with her saying that the episode where Ken first goes back the Digital World after all that time is the best. Other than their frequent bickering, they’re quite cosy actually and are more alike then any of us thought. He finally decided to stop hiding out in the Digital World and come home. His homecoming was amazing, I must say. He’s now going to a private school for boys, which is located across the river from Rika’s school. Ryo changed Rika a bit. She’s still stubborn and isn’t very mushy, but she listens to other people at least before biting their head off which is relief for me. Rika finally beat Ryo for his title as the winner for the Digimon Card Game. I have a feeling that he lost to her on purpose. Biased.


“Hirokazu ‘Kazu Shioda’ Shiota is obsessed with Cody in the second season. He thinks he’s the coolest character ever. He says that any episode with Cody is the best episode ever. He still wears that Reliability T-shirt only now it has the Knowledge symbol on the back as well. He keeps saying that he’s going to be a bachelor for life and isn’t even looking for a girlfriend at this stage and time. You can often find him shining his D-Power to make it look cool. He’s always complaining about how he never got to actually battle with his Digimon and how if he ever ran into Guardromon again, he would take him and then go battle the first bad looking Digimon that comes along.


“Kenta Kitagawa thinks the best episode is definitely when Izzy is trapped in that void without his curiosity. I think Izzy’s Kenta’s idol. He often boasts about how his Digimon was a Mega while all of ours were champion or less, but you can tell when he boasts about this he’s a bit sad since he only got a few days with his Digimon anyway. I’ve always wondered what type of attacks MarineAngemon would have if he were ever able to battle. Love life wise, Kenta has a crush on this girl who just so happens to have a crush on him back, but they are both too embarrassed to admit it. I’m ready just to tell them to kiss all ready and get it over with.


“Shuichon ‘Suzy Wong’ Lee, my ever so annoying little sister, declares that her favourite episode is when Kari gets sick during season one. I don’t see why she would like to see her favourite character get sick, but she simply says ‘it’s the thriller of the episode!’ She’s far more matured now then when she was seven. She remembers Lopmon as if it was yesterday and keeps hope that she’ll see her again someday. I’ve seen her, sometimes, trying to talk through her D-Power to her Digimon and never getting a reply. It’s quite depressing. I wonder if she ever feels like it was all one dream. Suzie still wears her hair in the same ridiculous hairstyle except now that it’s longer it looks much better. She’s lost the rosy cheeks and is now quite pretty, but she’s one of those bookworms that would pick school over popularity any day.


“Strangely enough, Alice McCoy is now a part of our gang. Though, she wasn’t when we first met her, after the whole fiasco was over with, I ran into her again the year after. She just happened to be in my first period class. Freaky, eh? She says that the episode in season two when Wizardmon’s ghost came back to the station is her favourite. She hasn’t given up that ‘gothic-look’ yet, but at least now she smiles. She also got rid of that dress and is now wearing a black skirt and a black long sleeved shirt instead. She also puts her hair in a ponytail now as well, instead of the pigtails. She looks much more mature and happier. I think we all are happy now. She also happens to be my girlfriend.


“I’m Jenrya ‘Henry Wong’ Lee and I think my favourite episode would be when Kari gets possessed and tells Tai and Matt that ‘story’ in season one. I find it all very interesting. The other’s think I’m nuts and say that all of the good episodes have fighting in them, not explanations. I don’t care really. I’ve always been the oddball. Especially when I started going out with Alice, everyone was saying, ‘You and her?’ Sure, she’s a bit strange, but aren’t we all? I think my sister’s hope has rubbed off on me because I find myself staring absently into my D-Power expecting something to happen when I know nothing will.


“We all know that our adventure is over, that there’s no way we’ll ever see any of our Digimon again, but we can’t help but hope. We want to see them again, and if we could we would with a heartbeat. It’s been four long years and we still can’t just say that we’ll never see them again. And as for Jeri and Alice who’s Digimon is now out of reach even if we could, I have to wonder—aren’t Digimon reborn?”




Henry sat at his desk absently tapping his pencil on the table. History was just a repeat of what he already knew and he was already bored stiff. His pencil was in sync with the clock as it clicked by. He briefly wondered if there was any way to speed up the time so that he could go home all ready. It was Friday, meaning no school for two whole days! He groaned in his throat and ceased his tapping.


He felt something poked him in the side and turned to look and saw Alice expertly passing a note to him. He saw her look at him and gave him a small smiled before turning back to the teacher to pay attention. The paper sounded quite loud as he tried to unfold it unnoticed, but the teacher was oblivious to it. He looked down at the scribbled handwriting and chuckled.


"I’m so bored I could kill myself!"


Much to his, as well as the whole class’, relief the bell rang and everyone rushed to get out of the classroom. Henry quickly crumpled up the note and dropped it into the wastebasket as he passed and slipped out of the room, losing sight of Alice in the crowd. He shrugged and headed out of the building deciding to wait for her in their usual spot. That happened often, they would separate and one or the other would be there waiting, ready to be walked home.


Alice was the one waiting this time by the side doors. Henry ran to meet up with her and she rolled her eyes. Alice walked up to him and gave him a kiss on the cheek before leaning against him as he put an arm around her.


“Are you going to Rika’s today?” Alice asked in her low voice.


 "Only if you are. You know those gatherings are always welcoming you as well. Why don’t you come this time?” Henry asked, as he looked into her crystal blue eyes that gave him shivers.


“I wouldn’t feel right. I would feel out of place.” Alice said lowly, hanging her head a bit. Henry sighed as he tilted her head up to face him.


“But you wouldn’t be! You’re a tamer, just like the rest of us. If anyone should feel awkward it should be my sister, Suzie. She’s always the youngest one there!” They were repeating a conversation they had had a millions time before.


“Yes, but Suzie was there and was able to help and be there with you guys. I wasn’t.”

Henry sighed and decided to try a new tact this time instead of saying the same ‘but Kenta didn’t get to help at all either!’ “And I was scared to death because of it. I wouldn’t have wanted you there with all of that going on. I would have been too worried.”


She looked up at him, apparently surprised at this new twist. “Yes, but I still would have wanted to be there. Besides, I even hardly know anyone there.”


“Then go and get to know them.” Henry said simply, his eyes searching her own. They stared at each other a long time, each just as stubborn as the other. Finally, Alice looked away with a small sigh.


“All right, I’ll go. Just this once, to see what it’s like.” Henry smiled and nodded in approval. Alice and Henry linked arms before walking towards the way of Rika’s house both knowing that they would be late if they tried to stop by either of their houses before going over there.


There was already noise coming in from inside when they arrived. They threw a little ‘get together’ every Friday just so that they don’t lose touch of each other. Kazu once had a date planned on Friday and missed the party. The next Friday he ended up with a bowl of punch being dumped over his head. They took turns having the party at each other’s house. Now Alice was going to be apart of it as well. Well, Henry hoped she would.


When they entered, Takato instantly pulled him to the side and said with a groan, “Rika and Ryo are at it again! They’re arguing over… You know what? I don’t even know anymore!” He groaned loudly and looked at Henry with desperate eyes, “I’ve tried all that I could, but they won’t break it up! Do something!


Henry sighed. He was always the one that ended up being the brave one and trying to break-up the fight, but it never worked, but at least it did cease it. He walked over to the corner that Ryo and Rika were using as their ‘secluded’ place. Henry stopped to listen to what they were saying so that he wouldn’t enter it blindly.


“It’s fine the way it is!” Rika yelled, her fist clenched and her eyes alit with fire.


“No it’s not! There are so many loopholes in it! What if there was no way around it!? What if they had to miss the party for one Friday!?” Ryo shot back.


“There’s always a way around it!” Rika said.


“Not always!” Ryo said, and he paused and shook his head. He continued through gritted teeth, “Every Friday we gather, and if someone doesn’t show they get a prank upon them the next Friday. It doesn’t seem fair. Not for people who can’t decide whether or not they can come.”


“Why don’t you have it where if they have a good excuse in which they can’t come then they get excused, but if it’s a sorry excuse then they get a prank upon them?” Everyone started at the small voice and turned to look at the source of who had spoken. Henry hadn’t even noticed that Alice had followed him to watch their fight. She blushed brightly and bowed her head as if ashamed of speaking out.


“That’s a great idea!” Suzie said as she stepped forward with a grin on her face. “If you have a funeral to attend or something, we’ll understand and leave it be, but if you have a date,” She shot a look over at Kazu, “then you have the power to make it on a Saturday instead so you must pay the price.”


“I like it.” Ryo said with a smile. “What do you think, Rika?”


Rika didn’t say anything at first. She stared at Alice for a minute and walked up to her, that serious look still upon her face. For one fearful moment, Henry thought that she was going to hit her, but then Rika smiled. “I think it’s a great idea.” Alice looked up timidly and Rika swung an arm around her neck, “Why didn’t this girl ever join us before, Henry?”


Henry chuckled and said with a grin, “Too many funerals.”




The stars were already high in the sky and the moon was already starting its climb upward when they started to leave. Once Suzie assured Henry countless times that she could make it home by herself he, being the gentlemen that he was, walked Alice home and put a protective arm around her shoulder. He smiled down at the top of her head as she nuzzled up against him.


“So, did you have fun?” asked Henry.


“Much.” Alice answered in her famous one-word answer.


“That’s what I was hoping for.” Henry said with a smile. He paused for a moment before risking the next question, “So, will you be joining me again next week?”


There was only silence for a moment, but when Alice did answer, he could hear the smile in her voice, “I think I will, just in case Ryo and Rika are having another brawl.”


Henry chuckled and bent down to capture her in a kiss when he felt the earth underneath them suddenly tremble. Both of them, surprised by the sudden movement, lost their footing and fell to the ground. The two of them lied flat on their stomachs, not moving, until the earth froze. Henry gulped and risked getting to his knees.


“What was that?” Henry asked to no one in particular.


“I don’t know, but if I didn’t know any better, I would say an earthquake.” Alice said as she tucked a piece of hair behind her head. She resituated her backpack and got to her knees as well. In unison, they both looked up as lightning flashed across the sky. As if triggered by the lightning a green light suddenly exploded from Henry’s backpack. Henry started and quickly ripped open the bag to retrieve his D-Power. He stared at it a moment before being distracted by a purple light suddenly expanding beside him.


Looking up, Henry saw Alice digging through her backpack and yanking out her D-Power that was glowing as well. She clutched it tightly and gazed up at Henry and took a deep breath. They looked up at the sky and saw seven other lights of their own respectable colours filling the sky. As they gazed upward, a stream of deep purple lightning flashed across the sky. It paused for a moment before branching off; two branches were heading right toward them.


Henry reached out and grabbed Alice in his arms out of instinct and the two of them held each other as the purple lightning froze in front of them. The two streams of light hovered in midair for a moment, and the tension that hung in the air could have been cut with a knife. Henry blinked and when he opened his eyes again, the lightning was heading for him.


Hitting him squarely in the chest, he was thrown backwards and was knocked unconscious before he even lifted off the ground. However, as all gravity laws say, what goes up must go down, Henry began to make his decent to skid across the sidewalk but some invisible force caught him and almost seemed to hold him. Alice gasped and turned to look at the other branch just in time to see it heading for her. She quickly blacked out as well, unable to see the results of the lightning or feel herself hover in midair either.


The figures of nine Tamers were seen as they were carried up into the air, each engulfed in the purple orb. All were limp as if dead, and one would think that they were being carried to the heavens. As the nine Tamers met together at the main lightning in the sky, there was another flash of purple lightning and they were gone in a blink of an eye. None would have guessed where they were headed unless they had seen the world of the Digimon flash across the sky as quickly as the lightning had. A few minute later, thunder rumbled across the sky signalling the sight of lightning that had flashed across the sky before.



Chapter 1, Part 2

Nothing much as far as I know. D:
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