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The Fallen - Chapter 4

The Fallen

by Darkangemon

Writer's note: Guess what? I couldn’t wait for Power revolutions, so I present

Chapter 4

Darkening of Dusk

Other writers note: The Reflection quote will make sense later

Who is that girl I see
Staring straight back at me
Why is my reflection someone I don’t know
Must I pretend that I’m
Someone else, for all time
When will my reflection show
Who I am inside
--"Reflection", Christina Aguilera


The spirit seemed to absorb and radiate light at the same time, Kouichi walked across the deathly quiet hallway his brother a step behind him.

There was something in front of the spirit, a sheet of glass? Kouji overtook his brother and tapped the glass slightly and then walked around it.

“It’s a mirror,” he said puzzled “but it doesn’t seem to reflecting anything,” he said pointing to where the spirit should have been.

“I know, it’s weird, I can see my reflection but I can also see the spirit,” replied Kouichi peering curiously at the glass.

“Why do you think that is? Asked Kouji coming back around

“I don’t know,” replied Kouichi.

He touched the mirror.

It rippled.

“Weird,” said Kouichi

“Real weird,” said Kouji touching the, to him at least, solid glass

“I wonder why it ripples when you touch it,”

<Well lets think, maybe it’s because he’s the warrior of Darkness Einstein> came a voice in Kouichi’s head

“Hey, did you hear that?” Asked Kouichi looking at his brother

“Hear what?” Replied Kouji looking at his brother in a funny way again

“Never mind” whispered Kouichi “I guess I’m just hearing things again,”

But deep inside, he wasn’t so sure

“Am I going insane?” he thought to himself...

<Maybe you are> replied the mirror sarcastically.


Zoë felt ill at ease.

She had checked behind her many times, but somehow she felt as if she was being followed not really a feeling more like a knowing in her soul she was being followed.

She tossed her hair back nervously; JP and Tommy looked at her questioningly

“Something wrong Zee,” asked JP as if worried

Zoë looked at the forest, had it really been this menacing last time?

No it hadn’t; she’d always had someone to help her when she was here last, now she was all alone.

She walked forward a little, her mind adrift in the sea of memory.

She wondered if Takuya was here, if the twins had gotten here. If so where were they

As they reached the edge of the forest she stopped abruptly.

She motioned to JP; he came to her side quickly.

“Um JP I think we have a problem,” she whispered motioning to the clearing.

“I don’t see anythi... Oh,” replied JP

“I think you should hand over your obsessions” said Centarumon pointing his blaster at Junpei’s head.




Melanie didn’t like these digimon; they didn’t seem terribly bright.

She had been so careful not to be caught by either Cherubimon’s goons or later by the royal knights’ buddies who had gotten lost on Totteritz now on her first foray to Aleasea she’d been captured by this riffraff.

She glared at her chains, they were very solid on her wrists.

“Bloody bandits” she cursed

She heard the mental scolding kicking in, for some strange reason it always had her sister’s voice.

“Hey you guys” came the voice of a Centarumon “Found some more,”

“Did ya get their stuff,” asked Sagitarimon

“Not much on them boss,” said the Centarumon

Melanie looked up there were three humans, two boys and a girl, being led by a Centarumon; his blaster glinting in the firelight, the elder boy who was looking nervously around him while the girl seemed intently focussed on the tents.

Other humans? Here? Her mind was filled with questions. She’d heard rumors about two groups of humans on Aleasia, that’s why she’d left Totteritz she had to know if there was a way out.

She had to scrabble out of the way when the Centarumon hurled them into the small opening of the tent.

“Some welcome.” Muttered JP spitting out a mouthful of dirt “they’re even dumber than the last time we met them,”

“And they took our D-tectors,” moaned Tommy rubbing his leg.


“Um hello,” ventured Melanie softly trying to remove some dirt out her short gold hair in vain.

“Huh?” Went the other three, noticing the little girl for the first time.

“I don’t know why your complaining at least you haven’t been chained up yet,” she continued giving the other three curious looks.

“Well hello there little girl, what’s your name?” Asked Zoe putting on a sunny smile after removing a twig from her shirt.

“My name is Melanie, what’s yours?” asked Melanie in return, she liked this girl; she seemed to be nice no matter what.

“I’m Zoe and these are my friends JP and Tommy.” Said Zoe as cheerily as she could motioning to each of the boys in turn.

“Nice to meet you, I guess” mumbled Melanie her short hair feeling even more dirty.

Your human aren’t you?” Asked Zoe there was a crease of worry in her eyes they reminded Melanie of her big sister when she was fighting with Kouichi

“Last time I checked yeah, but so much has happened since then, I don’t know any more,” mumbled Melanie softly,

“How long have you been here?,” asked Zoe softly staring at the girls soft features

“Six months, maybe longer time is so weird over here,” replied Melanie sadly, “I’ve been so lucky I guess it had to end some time we’re going to die here aren’t we?”

“Not if I have any say in that, I still have a surprise for them,” whispered Zoe “I think they are about to learn to fear the wind...”



Kouji looked at the mirror suspiciously, he didn’t like it. It felt strange, not that he was worried just nervous Duskmon had given him the willies, why wasn’t he fading? Maybe he was. That would explain why he fought so hard Kouji actually wondered if he would be able to fight Duskmon again.

A small piece of plaster fell onto his head.

“Um bro” he said at last

“Yeah Kouji”

“We have company.”




Zoe pulled her D-tector out of her shirt.

“One advantage of being a girl,” she thought grimly to herself.

“Time to blow this joint guys,” she said to the others

“Way to go Zee said JP smiling sneakily

“Allright Zoe,” echoed Tommy

“I don’t understand any of this” said Melanie in a  puzzled voice

“You will in a second.” replied Zoe pushing a button on her D-tector


Melanie looked surprised, but strangely admiring as the graceful form of Kazemon emerged from the data bubble

“Cool girl you rock,” she stammered.

Zoe wondered behind Kazemon’s form why the girl seemed not to question her strange transformation but rather seemed impressed.

Kazemon pointed her hands at Melanie’s chains

Hurricane wind.

The nomad like tent flared up in the wind, Melanie’s chains exploded.

“Thank you,” she replied.

“Hey what’s going on?” yelled Sagitarimon opening his tent flap only to have it fly back in his face “This isn’t the pizza I ordered,” he yelled.

The Centarumon reorganized themselves and rushed at Kazemon who flew upwards in response, They fire, she Dodged

“Learn to aim you dummies!” Screamed Sagitarimon

Judgment's Arrow

Kazemon reeled back a little and then did a little math

Kazemon Slide Evolution Zephyrmon




Kouichi had felt it before his brother and took cover

The roof cracked and shrapnel fell on the sides

“Oh boys I’m baaaack” Taunted Duskmon.

The mirror wobbled on its bearings.

Kouichi you get the spirit, I’ll handle Duskmon” yelled Kouji pulling out his digivice.

“Your dead boy,” screamed Duskmon drawing his sword “Do you think you even stand a chance,”

“I don’t think so; I know so,” replied Kouji; brazenly standing between his brother and the warrior of Darkness


Fusion Evolution.

Kouichi felt helpless; his brother was doing all the work again, he wished he could fight, but the only way he could do that was to attain the spirit.

The mirror was still rippling; Kouichi wondered if that old legend about King Arthur, Sabrina was fascinated by, had some sort of meaning here.

“Perhaps only I can pull it out.”

Deadly Gaze

The reflection bounced again Kouichi felt as if his whole world was collapsing, he heard the sound of data draining and then, a cruel laugh

“Little fool I ought to kill you, but then you’ll never see your brothers doom,” came the voice of Duskmon.

“Kouichi” gasped Kouji trying very hard to stay upright robbed of his spirits he was helpless to stop Duskmon.

“Yes, Kouichi, a befitting end don’t you think, that the one who would seek to bury me shall be buried by me” smirked Duskmon

The earth rattled Kouichi fell to his knees.

“No, its not, your nothing but a bullying coward” yelled Sabrina defiantly rushing between Duskmon and her best friend.

“Sabrina! No!” screamed Kouichi as he scrambled to his feet, his heart in his mouth.

But Sabrina would not be stopped she just stood there glaring at Duskmon

“You were lucky once girl but not again” said Duskmon cruelly

“Kouichi get the spirit out I can take him” said Sabrina in a strangely confident voice.


Spirit Evolution




Takuya looked around the abandoned train station, they had followed the tracks that far. there had to be something that they could use, not for the first time and certainly not the last time Takuya wished that he had managed to catch a ride with a Trailmon, the station was dusty like everything on the moons, no real purpose.

Takuya sat down on a bench his face in his hands; was nothing going to go his way, it was all very well to rush off, but what did he really know.

He was here for a reason but what in the world was it.


The fallen had arisen but who were the Fallen? Why did they matter so much to him?

“Argh where’s Kouji when you need him” he cursed, pulling his goggles onto his cap.

There was an argument going on. Takuya didn’t have the energy to shut it out

“I tell you that thing will never work,” shouted Bokomon

“I think it’s cool,” squeaked Neemon in reply

Takuya looked up.

There between the bickering Duo was a railcar.

“Hello opportunity,” thought Takuya




Kouichi stood there dumbfounded as the data envelope his friend, her body being transformed by the power of an ancient spirit, her form was changing, she was getting taller, her hands being covered by white gloves, her hair grew to waist length and turned silvery white, her body covering changed from the practical T shirt and jeans to a skintight silver leotard large silver wings as clear as glass, burst from her back larger than the wings of angels in the windows of catholic churches.

Lastly the sketch of an Omega symbol etched on her shoulders like a tattoo.

She was complete.


“Lobomon’s love!” cried Duskmon in shock

“What?” gasped Kouji looking up at Chronomon in amazement, “Lobomon never mentioned this”

“Evil creature let the ages purify your wickedness,” cried Chronomon her silver eyes flickering coldly.

Binding chains

Silver chains leapt from her hands the grabbed Duskmon by the swords and threw him to the ground

Bloody sword

Duskmon’s sword cut through Chronomon’s chains as if they were butter,

“I’m a little too strong for that girl,” snickered Duskmon malevolently

Duskmon slide Evolution


“I’m gonna draw him away I’ll be back ASAPyelled Chronomon

It was like a dream to Kouichi Chronomon launched more chains and then used them to drag Velgemon further away

“Good Luck Kouichikins” she whispered as she pulled the screaming hulk of Velgemon “Your our only hope now.”




“Hey buddy off the track”

Takuya’s brain slowly registered what was going on he was sleeping on the railcar’s one lever while Bokomon and Neemon napped under the other. The moon was behind him but there was nothing ahead of him yet.

“Look Kid I got these kids to deliver either speed it up or get off the track” grumbled Worm his large uneven teeth glinting in the starlight

“Worm? What are you doing here?” Asked Takuya shocked to see the Trailmon.

“Look kid, I’d love to chat, but I’ve got to take these babies to Totteritz station I don’t have time to waste.” Said the Trailmon

“Takuya there you are!” Came the voice of Bokomon from inside the riders spot.

“Hop on this will be faster way faster than your railcar” added Neemon sticking his head out to watch the scene.

Takuya climbed onto Worm who quickly flipped the small railcar of the tracks into oblivion.

“I thought you guys weren’t coming” he said once he was safely inside the passengers compartment.

“We were, that was until little Patamon here spotted this Trailmon going along the track,” said Bokomon giving Patamon a look of affection. “If the Trailmon can do it so can I,”

“I thought it was because Patamon started helping out with the babies and you didn’t want to leave him,” added Neemon innocently.

Bokomon snapped Neemon’s pants, Patamon shushed his “Papamom” who blushed slightly.

Takuya looked around the compartment, sure enough there were baby digimon, all sleeping, hung over the seats.

Takuya sat down, listening to the clack of the tracks below them.

Worm was singing “I’ve been working on the railroad,” softly to himself, Takuya felt at peace

He nodded off to sleep, as the night carried on around him.

“And so it begins, again” he thought




Tears in his eyes he turned back to the mirror where he had seen the spirit so short a time ago.

His hand went through the glass; it was an odd prickling feeling on his skin as if they were feet being moved after going to sleep.

He felt around.

Nothing, no wait there was something, something warm and soft and...

<HEY> came the almost voice from inside the mirror.

Kouichi started to rapidly withdraw his hand; there was something else in there. But something caught hold of it, Kouichi fought against the grip as it pulled him further into the mirror

<Your not getting away from me perve!> said the female voice behind the glass

“Huh? What do you mean?” Asked Kouichi the last parts of his physical body being drawn into the mirror

“Kouichi,” screamed Kouji,

But Kouichi was gone, sucked into a world within a world.




Takuya’s world skidded to a halt.

Baby Digimon began to cry all around him.

Bokomon Neemon and Patamon hit the floor.

Takuya found himself hurled against the seat in front of him.

What was happening? Why had they stopped?

“Look guys I don’t want no trouble,” stammered Worm.

“Then we think you’d better hand over your Cargo Trailmon,” replied a thick stupid voice

“Hey you know I can’t, once a Trailmon has Cargo he can’t give it up, willingly or not, it’s against the rules” replied worm, a hint of fear in his voice.

Takuya stuck his head out the window there were three large Mammothmon blocking the track which was now over yellowish sand.

Bokomon and Neemon scrabbled to stop the babies from crying

A crazy thought went through Takuya’s head,

“Aldamon” it shouted in his ear on it’s way out, Takuya liked crazy ideas they tended to work.

“Out came the digivice glowing red and black as usual,”


Takuya held up his digivice... Nothing happened, his digivice made a sound like an angry dolphin and then faded,

“Huh? What’s happening?” He asked no one in particular, staring at the silent machine. “Is it broken or something?”

“Curse of the beast I’m afraid,” replied Bokomon calming down a crying Tokomon, “Only Human digimon can digivolve here. I guess it’s the same with your spirit.” He added

Takuya cursed under his breath again and then pulled out his digivice again

I think I have to teach them manners


Old flame flowed back into his body as it changed and shifted into the form of Agunimon.

He opened the door and stepped on to the hot sand,

“Hey Stupids, You want a fight? Bring it on,”

The Mammothmon turned to him, one of them smiled

“You two get the cargo this one’s mine” he said sneakily

What have I gotten into now? Thought Takuya doubtfully.

“Something that’ll blow up in your face,” replied the idea cautiously




Everything and everything at once.

The mirror behind him shattered in an explosion of broken glass.


Kouichi couldn’t think of another way to describe it; it spanned off in all directions; thousands of star like points of light interrupting the blackness of it all; all directions except one.

Where he had come from.

“Welcome to... Well I guess its somewhere” whispered a voice next to him

Kouichi jumped; there was someone next to him in this endless expanse of nothing

“Sorry about calling you a perve earlier, I guess you were just after this” continued the feminine voice Kouichi guessed pointing somewhere.

“Who are you?” Asked Kouichi wondering if he wanted to know.

“Don’t worry I’m not going to hurt you, I’m saving that for Ryo,” replied the voice almost sadly


“Sorry I forgot where I was for a second” replied the voice “My name is Rika,”

Kouichi stared into the endless shadow; he was beginning to see detail in the dark.

The world flew into focus he was in the same chamber but things were very different, for one there was a girl in front of him, she was quite pretty but her hair was scruffy as if she had been trying to cut it herself but had given up halfway.

What is this place? He asked looking around the chamber in a dazed way “It looks like the chamber but it’s undamaged”

“That's because it is the chamber on the other side, it’s just a little different,” she said motioning to the pedestal in the middle of the room.

“The spirit,” gasped Kouichi; he ran forward and then stopped, how was he supposed to get it? He didn’t have a D-tector any more.

“Good grief, What a mess” sighed Rika, sounding exasperated, holding up a small ornamental hand mirror as if entranced by her reflection.

What have you got there? asked Kouichi

“A mirror at Sagitarimon’s Camp near Rose morning castle” replied Rika

Kouichi looked into the mirror, and recoiled, he saw Zephyrmon doing a scratch job on a few Centarumon

“What trickery is this?” He asked in surprise

“No Trick, the mirrors are my windows to the real world, that’s how I watch you people,” replied Rika quietly.

Kouichi wondered why this girl was so detached.

Then he realised how long had she been here, all alone in this empty world.

“How long have you been here?” He asked as Kindly as he could but urgency was gnawing at him

“Long enough to know that your going to have to leave soon,”

“Not without the spirit or you for that matter,” replied Kouichi

“You know they need you. The spirit will obey you” said Rika more resolutely

“I can’t leave you to rot in this place, your human, just like me.”

“I can’t leave I’m trapped here, as long as Duskmon exists, the portals won’t let me through,” retorted Rika; she seemed to bottle up a deep anger.


“The Bunny,”


“Yes, he tried to fuse me with your spirits, it was partially successful but then it flung me here; when the spirit rejected me that is,” she added Bitterly “It left it’s mark mind you” she added pulling her sleeve.

Kouichi looked, there on about the upper arm was a scar in the shape of the symbol of the spirit of Darkness, in was black and from what Kouichi could guess it had been burned there.

“Do you have any idea what that freak put me through” hissed Rika through gritted teeth as if repressing it immediately, “I was the lucky one, those digimon he used are now trapped in they’re private hells.”

Kouichi stared at her she seemed to be both angry and sad at the same time but he didn’t seem to care.

He felt angry as well, this girl was here because of him, because Cherubimon had searched for him.

He had to win, even if it was just to vindicate himself, he looked into her eyes, they reminded him a lot of Kouji, it was weird; she was so much like him and yet she had a distinctly aloof feel Kouji had lost, to be honest she scared him.

“You’d better get what your here for it’s over there” said Rika softly motioning to the platform.

There it was, for real this time.

The Celestial spirit of Darkness




Melanie looked at the main tent, in all the confusion no one had noticed she wasn’t with the others any more, she had something to find.

She sifted through the trinkets until she found her locket, and what she guessed were the boy’s D-tectors but there were three D-tectors there.

Coloured gold that’s why they had taken it now she had it back.

She’d promised only to use it in Emergencies but wasn’t this an emergency.

“I’m a comin,” she thought picking up her own digivice “It’s action time,”




The leader Mammothmon leaped onto Agunimon pushing him down into the dirt.

“It is lord Cyberangemon’s wish that this Trailmon hand over its cargo and by his name it shall,” cried the great elephantine digimon.

“Not... if I... can help it,” said Takuya pushing the Mammothmon’s tusks away from his body,

Pyro punch

The flame burst from Agunimon’s hand but fell short.

Tusk crusher

Takuya ploughed further into the dirt.

Some comeback this was, he couldn’t even beat his opponent he would lose his spirits the fallen would win.

Fire Rocket

Mammothmon shifted slightly, Takuya got as far from the tusks as he could.

Takuya gazed upwards there were many figures appearing over the crest of the mountains of sand

“In Agunimon’s name, be gone, vile spawn of the steel Angel,” cried the first attacker

“What he said” added a thick almost gauzy voice.

“Growlmon why did you join this army?” Asked the first voice

“Takato joined!” replied the other voice as if closing the issue.

“Oh yeah I forgot that,”

“Flame warriors! I’m outta here!” Screamed the Mammothmon jumping off Takuya and making a mad dash for the desert, his brothers also turned tail rather quickly.

“You would have harmed these young ones,” cried the first voice “Your only going back to the village baby,”

Fire Rocket

Takuya felt the fire as if passed him by it made him feel strong again.

The lead Mammothmon burned for a few seconds then burst into the band of data

Agunimon took over.

Fractal Code digitize

The data spun into his digivice, Ophanimon’s symbol glowed, an egg floated away towards Aleasea

“And what did you think you were doing” yelled Flamedramon at Takuya.

Well this is it he thought out of the frying pan into the fire ” he thought

FlameDramon landed next to him and looked him harshly in the eye and then... he stopped and fell to one knee, Takuya looked at him in surprise.

“Hail Master!” Yelled Flamedramon “You have returned to us at last.”

“Huh?” Asked Takuya sweatdropping as he devolved “Why do I feel like things just got worse,”

“On the contrary they’ve never been better,” replied Takato sliding off Growlmon’s back “Welcome to Totteritz you like goggles, or is that just a look?”




Zephyrmon was not  doing well the Centarumon had regrouped and were now pushing her into a tight spot.

“I guess we’ll get your obsessions too,” said Sagitarimon

“It’s possessions you twerp,” replied Zephyrmon

Oh, well who cares get her

Blasts fired, and missed as usual

Zoe smiled behind her armour, they were almost comical in their inaccuracy.

Sagitarimon had disappeared, she didn’t like that, but she had these idiots to finish off first.

Hurricane Gale

Centarumon flew back, she went in for the kill

Plasma paws

The Centarumon decided that whatever Sagitarimon was paying them wasn’t enough, they were running as if Lucemon himself were on their tails; all of a sudden the dark forest seemed very inviting to them

“Ruunnnn,” yelled their leader turning on his heel, Zephyrmon quit chasing them only when she was sure they were in no condition to return any time soon.

She turned back into the dark towards the camp then she was shocked, Sagitarimon had a surprise for her.

You’d better stop,” he cried, he was holding JP and Tommy in his hands.

She stopped she couldn’t attack them,

Now turn back to your other form,” dictated Sagitarimon his face ticking nervously.

Zephyrmon was conflicted but then she noticed something and settled on the ground and rapidly becoming Zoe.

“Wow it worked I guess hostages really work” Said Sagitarimon but his face changed, triumph changed to horror.

“Elfmon once told me that hostages only work if there isn’t a surprise in the works” whispered a  voice in his ear “Now I could put an arrow in you butt, but I think you’d better put them down.”

Zoe looked at the strange scene as this new digimon motioned with it’s crossbow for him to put them down.

She was short with the chubbyish arms of a small child, her face was golden like her shoulder length hair, she looked like a cherub in a department store, but there was a seriousness around her, so much that Sagitarimon put down the children and bolted off with all speed.

“Works every time,” said the Digimon happily watching the bandit speed out of sight “Those kind of people are a bit stupid anyway,” she added tossing Tommy and JP their Digivices

“Thank you,” gasped the boys

“No prob,” said the Digimon “Anyway you guys are important it’s not every day I meet other Digidestined.

“Who are you?” Asked Zoe Seeing a digivice at the digimon’s hip and smiling.

“Someone you’ve already met today” replied Melanie appearing out of the data.

JP nearly fainted Tommy just stared, Zoe kept smiling in surprise.

“I thought there was something strange about you girl, now I know what it is,” She stated putting out her hand to shake melanie’s hand “Welcome to the team,”

“Thanks Zoe I’m glad to join,” replied Melanie “But how did you guys get spirits too, did Magnadramon give you guys as well?”

“Well It’s a long story,” said Zoe looking at the short 7 year old “But I think you’d better come with us,”

Where? Asked Melanie

“Rose morning castle” replied Zoe

“Cool,” said Melanie

And with that they set off towards the red star in the sky

“Red in the morning, sailors take warning,” thought Zoe as she lead them along the black plains “But what warning is it?”





Kouichi looked at the spirit, Rika snapped her fingers, it flew towards him.

Rika motioned for Kouichi to follow her.

There were panels of glass all around him each flickering like a faulty TV,

“Each of these is a different mirror in the digital world,” she said sadly “Each can be a portal for you,”

Kouichi looked through a mirror that was nearest he saw Kouji struggling to his feet, he seemed ok but was this even real?

Kouichi heard a gasp and ran to another mirror, which was he guessed in the main station. Chronomon and Duskmon were still fighting

Sands of time

Chronomon threw handfuls of sparkling sand in Duskmon’s myriad eyes.

Duskmon leapt up his sword barely missing Chronomon’s clear silvery wings.

“Damn,” swore Duskmon

“For crying out loud what do I have to do to defeat you” yelled Chronomon

“You’ll never do that little girl, you haven’t the power,” chuckled Duskmon

“I have to help her,” said Kouichi moving back from the mirror

“Then go, I won’t stop you,” replied Rika. “However if your going you might need this” her hand came out of her pocket “There is no one to destroy anything on this side” Kouichi stared, there, in her hand, was his D-tector or at least it looked like his D-tector.

“Where did you get this?” he asked in disbelief

“It came here after you... Well... Kicked the bucket” said Rika flatly tact abruptly failing “Well are you going take it or not?”

Kouichi took the machine out of the thin feminine hand it was strange because he knew she had a grip like a vice.

“Thank you,” he stammered.

“Hey just kick that sorry creature into next week,” smiled Rika coldly.

The spirit glowed softly it’s feathers rushing up and around him.

Goodbye, Rika,” he said softly.

He touched the mirror and his D-tector at the same time

“Well her I go” he said stepping through the mirror into the image.





Power like he’d never imagined, it flowed over and through him life a wave of pure warmth

It was as if he’d never seen the sun before, and now it was flooding in, his body strengthened wings burst out of his back, his form changed and yet stayed basically the same his eyes turned black and switched into an ultraviolet view of the world, gauntlets and boots clamped on his hands and feet, a pair of black lion heads covered his chest, in black armour. Lastly came the blade, double edged and radiating sharpness Kouichi grabbed the central handle and twirled it around himself

Kouichi was awake, he was here he was ready.

Then... The world rushed out of the mirror at him.


Glass exploded, Duskangemon felt the mirror buckle as he passed back into the “real” digital world.

“Hey Duskmon think fast” yelled Kouichi his double sided blade glinted coldly.

Shadow strike

Kouichi’s blade flew true Duskmon fell like a stone.

“No! He screamed “little cur, you were stalling!” He continued whipping his head to face Chronomon

“Well yeah, I learned enough from the twins to know you were too tough for me to face alone,” gasped Chronomon “Go get’m Kouichikins,”

“Kouichikins?” Asked Kouji giving Duskangemon a look of surprise.

“Don’t ask,” said Duskangemon clutching his blade as he once again prepared to throw it.

Deadly gaze

Red light spattered against Kouichi, but he knew how to handle that; he hardly felt it anyway.

“Darkness into darkness,” he thought to himself

Bloody sword

Duskmon flew towards him blades outstretched.

No time to think, the lions on Kouichi’s shoulders spat shadowy flame.

End of the beginning

Duskmon reeled back as two black lions pushed their paws into his eyes

No,” he managed to gasp

“Poor confused creature let the shadows purify you” said Duskangemon trying out his digivice for the first time.

The fractal code spun into his Digivice purifying the spirits, the dark choking smoke of burning filled the air.

The smoke was thick but Kouichi felt the power flow out of his veins as he returned to his human form.

There was something out there.

Kouichi stared there were two figures standing where Duskmon had fallen, both shimmering one was the ghostly shadow of the late Duskmon, the other was Lowemon, sword and Staff locked in set combat, Duskmon was fading away, being drawn into Lowemon. And then... nothing, Duskmon disappeared, gone forever.

Lowemon smiled.

“Many years ago my mind fractured, now at last it is whole again.”

“Lowemon!” mumbled Kouichi

Lowemon was fading away “I go to sleep with my brothers today, we shall meet one last time before the end.” He said softly

When? Asked Kouichi Dumbfounded

“When light joins with Light and fire with Fire” came the last trails of  Lowemon’s voice

“Thank you Kouichi now I am free,”


The golden light subsided Rika looked out of the mirror, there was a lot of  smoke and a fragmented picture out of the mirror

“I hope he can do it, this world needs all the help it can get.” Said Rika,


Well” said Sabrina putting her hand on Kouichi’s shoulder “That was interesting,”

Rika winked at Kouichi from a piece of broken mirror

<I guess things worked out okay for you guys after all> she said Smiling

Kouichi smiled back knowing sadly that only he could see her “They sure are,”

“Kouichi!” Kouji ran up to his brother and Embraced him “Your Okay, I was so worried,”

Kouichi didn’t answer he let his tears do that for him as he pulled Sabrina into the hug

“We’re all Okay and that’s the way we’ll stay,”

Nothing much as far as I know. D:
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