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Another Digital Adventure - Book 1

Another Digimon Adventure

a.k.a. The Light Incident

Book 1

by Airkid

Disclaimer: I Airkid do not own any part of Digimon. I have no part in digimon. However Arielle, Chase, Galomon, Sooshoomon, Mia, and Joel are all part of The Digi Kingdom. You may use them but dont pass them off as your own

Chapter -

1 - What Is it?

2 - First Trip

3- Adventure and Trust are Purple and Silver

4 - Soccer (Probably way to short to be a chapter but… whatever.)

5 - Good Morning my Chickens!

6- Meeting Michael

7- The Next Meeting

8- Once Again

9- Explaining (Its kinda Cheesey but I wanted my own party!)

10- Breaking News

11- The Party

12 - Wake Up!

13 - Mia?!?!

14 - Sobbing isn't fun

15 - Old friends... New Enemies

16 - Exploring

17 - Cleansing (I know I know... its cheesey but I wanted to end the story!)

18 - The Light Digimon (I know... it doesnt have a name... but tis pure light.. you cant name that!)

Epilogue 1 - College!

Epilogue 2 - Reunion! ( I changed jobs that stunk!)


New Characters:

Arielle Basich - Age 14, 8 Grade,

Chase Basich - Age 14, 8 Grade

Mia Kuwia - Age 14, Grade 8

Joel Kuwia - Age 14, Grade 8

The digidestine from Adventure 01 and Adventure 02


*Note, Skelomon is SkullSatanmon… I got mixed up.

*Note, if it says Shooshoomon I mean Sooshoomon _____________________________________________________________________________________

Chapter 1 - What Is It?

“Bye mom we"Bye Mom we’re leaving for school!” cried Arielle and Chase as they headed out the front door. It was their third month of 8th Grade school. It wouldn’t of been so bad if it weren’t for the fact that they were in Japan! Because of the war in America, every family was evacuated to another country. Their family was assigned to Japan. Arielle was miserable. There was a special class, just for the kids from America! She felt humiliated. There were only 7 other kids in her class, including her twin brother Chase. It might have been better if one of her friends had been evacuated to her neighborhood. But they were the only ones! Sure the Japanese kids spoke good English, of course they tried to be nice, but it didn’t help! Arielle’s little brother Connor was actually happy about where they moved. He had always wanted to learn more about Japan. Arielle’s thinking was interrupted by a Japanese boy (though obviously not of that origin) with goggles shouting at his friends. “What do you mean! Of course I’m sure, why wouldn’t I be, Digitomamon said…” the boy was interrupted by his friends. “Keep it down Davis! You’re about to tell all of Japan!” said a boy next to him, It was T.K. Takashi, he was the star basketball player, and whose origin was French. He had been talking to Arielle yesterday about the basketball game. He was really nice. Arielle turned around, stopped Chase and yelled, “Hey, T.K., what’s up? This is my twin brother Chase.” T.K. stopped walking, blushed, muttered something and said, “Hey Arielle, nice to meet you Chase, uh Arielle, can I talk to you a minute?” Arielle shrugged and walked over. “Uh Arielle, did you hear what my friend Davis said before?” Arielle nodded, and T.K. continued, “Well, don’t tell anyone about it, pretend like you didn’t hear it, okay?” Arielle narrowed her eyes at him, “Okay, but, you have to tell me and Chase about it. He heard too ya know.” T.K. muttered something like “Tai’s gonna kill me.” and then agreed, he said to meet in the computer lab after school. Arielle could tell this was something big.

Chapter 2 - First Trip

Arielle and Chase made it to class, about 5 minutes before the bell was supposed to ring. They sat down at their desks and waited. The boy next to Arielle, Jesse Kresten said “HI” and then looked at his feet, hiding a blush. ‘What’s his problem?’ thought Arielle. Eventually the bell rang, Arielle got through all her classes until lunch. At lunch Arielle grabbed a seat near T.K. “Don’t forget.” T.K. whispered. The rest of the people at the table were, the goggle boy Davis, a girl with glasses, a small boy, and Kari, T.K.’s friend. They said hi, but continued eating their lunches. It was pretty quiet. Finally the end of school came. Arielle had called her mom and said that she was going over to her friend T.K.’s house. When she and Chase had gotten to the computer lab, T.K., his friends, and some highschoolers were there. “First,” said T.K. “Introductions.” The girl with glasses got up and said, “Hi!, I’m Yolie.” The small boy got up and said, “Hey, I’m Cody.” Then Arielle saw the famous Ken Ijijou get up and say, “I’m Ken.” Next were the Highschoolers, “Matt. “Izzy.” “Sora.” “Joe.” “Tai.” “Now, we’re are going to tell you what this is all about, guys, come on out!” said T.K. “Who you calling guys?” said a voice. Out from behind the whitebord came these little, things. “AHHHHH!” cried Arielle and Chase. “Why are they screaming Davis, haven’t they ever seen a Digimon before?” said a little blue thing. “No I don’t think they have.” replied Davis “These are Digimon, Digital Monsters.” said Izzy, and he went on to explain all his theory’s and stuff. When it was finally over, an Hour later, Arielle and Chase were nearly asleep, but at least they understood more, sort of. “Anyway,” said T.K. “Now that we’ve explained it, will you not tell anybody.” “Sure,” said Arielle, “If you take us to the Digi-World!” Tai’s face fell, “Can we even do that?” he muttered. “Well,” said Izzy, “If they were holding the digivice, maybe…” “Great, then let’s go!” said Chase. “But, But, But I don’t think…” said T.K. “We might as well take them, they might leave us alone after this.” said Matt, the last part came quietly, but not quietly enough. “Fine,” came the agreeing reply.

Chapter 3 -Adventure and Trust are Purple and Silver

Arielle held T.K.’s digivice with him. She had secretly wanted to hold Tai’s, but they all said if T.K. brought her, he should take her. Chase was holding Matt’s, who turn out to be T.K.’s brother, just like Tai was Kari’s brother. Izzy was the only not going because he had to stay and monitor the situation and help bring them back. “Digi-portal activate!” cried Davis. Arielle saw a blinding flash of light engulf them, and they were gone. “Where am I?” said Arielle, who was in a tropical jungle. “In the digi-world, where else?” said Veemon. Arielle and Chase looked around. “Hey guys, my Digivice says that there are 2 weird things near by, I think we should check them out. Maybe someone started making control spires again.” said Yolie. They trudged along, Arielle stayed near Tai and started asking him questions. “When did you first find out about the dig world?” “5 years ago, at summer camp.” “Was Agumon always your partner?” “Of course!” “How long have the others been digidestine?” “Well everyone except Davis, Yolie and Cody, have been it for five years, just like me.” He smiled. Arielle just shrugged, blushed and quickly ran up to Chase who was talking about soccer with Ken and Davis. “So you really bycicle kicked it and that’s how you escaped?” “Yup! You should go out for the league here, we’d be glad to have you on our team!” said Davis. “Oh…Hey Arielle” said Matt, who Arielle was now next to. “Hey, uh Matt… do you really have a band?” Matt flashed a smile, “Yup, the Lone Wolves, you should listen to us sometime!” Arielle could tell that Matt really enjoyed music, just by the way his eyes looked when he talked about his band. “Guys…Look!” cried Kari. In front of them were to huge symbols, A star with a swirl in it, and three outgoing triangles. On a tree branch there were these nifty little necklaces. Arielle and Chase slowly walked over to them, as if they were in a trance, maybe they were, They picked them up and held them out to the symbols, which became smaller and smaller until they turned into crests. “It’s the legendary crests of Adventure and Trust!” cried Cody. “This means, they are digidestine!” said Joe. Suddenly, out of the ground came two burst of light. Two digi-eggs were there. They both had the crest symbols. Arielle walked over to the one with Adventure, (her crest) and Chase walked over to the one with Trust. Still in a trance, they picked up the eggs. and they got their d-terminals and d-3s. Arielle’s was purple and Chase’s was grayish/silverfish. Also there were two Digimon. The yellow dog like one with the red star on its forehead walked over to Arielle, “Hi, Galomon at your service.” The bird/lizard one walked over to chase, “Hi, I’m Canrymon, at your service. Arielle blinked, looked at the others and said, “Hey, told you it was a good idea to let us come!” and laughed. “Hi Galomon, I’m Arielle, your partner!” She said, but then she looked at her watch, “Uh-oh, we better get home or mom’ll have a fit!” When they got back to the computer lab, all the Digimon were in their in-training Galomon was Hoshimon and Canrymon was Shooshoomon. They explained it all to Izzy, who was quite bewildered. Then they all went home. Arielle and Chase hid their Digimon in their back packs, luckily their school for some odd reason wouldn’t give the Americans homework. They ate dinner and snuck some in their pockets, butwhen they got upstairs to their rooms, their Digimon were asleep, Arielle put the food down in front of Hoshimon, and then got ready for bed. In bed she received a message from Kari on her d-3. ‘You know, digi-destines are only called for when trouble is about to happen, be ready for anything, and goodnight.’ Arielle sent back a message saying thanks, goodnight, and say goodnight to Tai for me. It was quite obvious to Kari that Arielle liked him, but she was sure Arielle would tell her in her own time.

Chapter 4- Good Moring my Chickens!

The next day was thankfully Saturday. Arielle and Chase told their parents that they were going over to Kari’s house, which was true, sort of. They were going to Kari’s house, and from there they were going to Davis’s, Tai’s, Sora‘s, and Ken’s soccer tryouts, which Chase was thinking of doing, so just incase her brought his cleats, after that they were getting lunch and then going to the digi-world to meet up with Mimi and Michael. At the soccer tryouts The digidestine did extremely well, but Arielle saw a few other faces she recognized. Jesse Kresten, Jay Tian, and Roan Tallow. Arielle didn’t really watch them, though she could tell Jesse wanted her to. She watched Davis, Ken, Tai, and Chase instead. “GO GO GO!!!” she yelled! Next they went and picked up lunch for the picnic they were going to have with Mimi and Michael. Soon they were standing in front of the computer yelling “Digi-portal activate!”

Chapter 6 -Meeting Michael

“Mimi what’s the matter?” said Yolie as they approached Mimi. “Michael, Betamon, and Palmon were captured by a person who calls herself the Digi-Queen, I tried to stop them… but…but…” “It’s okay Mimi don’t worry, we’ll find them,” said Matt, “ready Gabumon?” Matt held out his digi-vice, “Gabumon digivolve to… Garurumon, Garurumon digivolve to… WereGarurumon.” said Gabumon who had suddenly become a large wolf man thing. All the digidestine were doing it, except Arielle and Chase. “Think we can do it?” asked Arielle in a small voice. “Just hold out your d-3 and say, ‘Digi-Armor Energize!’” said Davis. “Well okay, DIGI-ARMOR ENERGIZE!” said Arielle and Chase, their Digimon turned into, “Galomon digivolve to… Chinkomon, the Star of Adventure… Canrymon digivolve to… Eyeirmon, the Talon of Trust.” “Whoa,” whispered Arielle. “Hop on!” said the Digimon, and they obeyed, and they started to run. Soon they approached what looked like a castle made out of control spires, in front of it was a girl, with black hair, and black clothes like a witch, in a cage next to her were Michael, Betamon, and Palmon. “So you made it? I thought that it would take you forever, but apparently Ken here still has his old instincts.” she said with a smile. “ERRRRR! You give us our friends back now, we don’t wan this to get ugly.” said Ken in perhaps the scariest voice you can imagine. “Now now now, I wouldn’t want that, would I? Cherrytreemon, attack!” and so the battle began, they were fighting and fighting, when Tai and Arielle saw and Airdramon start to pick up the cage. “Quick Chinkomon, MetalGreymon, attack, and they lunged at the Airdramon, but in doing so, broke the cage. “All right!” said Michael, and then Betamon digivolve to Seadramon and Palmon digivolve to Lilymon, soon, all the black rings on the Digimon were gone, but there was the Digi-Queen, on an Airdramon, with a Kumemon next to her, presumably her Digimon partner.

Chapter 7 - Another Meeting

Michael walked over to Arielle and Chase, “So you’re the new digidestine huh? It’s terrible, all this moving. I was quite satisfied with my life in America, I’m just lucky that Mimi and I were assigned to the same nieghborhood.” “None of our friends liv within a 40 mile radius of us.” said Arielle, she desperately missed her friends, if they were here… if they were here she probably wouldn’t be a digidestine, or have met Tai… “But we’re your friends now right? I mean digidestine have to stick together!” said Davis, his goggles glinting in the sunlight. “Of course you are, it’s just that well, the errr circumstances were different with our old friends, as in, we weren’t in an everlasting battle to save the earth.” said Arielle, and she added silently, and ‘I didn’t have a crush on one of them.’ They finally reached the picnic area. They started wondering what to do about the Digi-Queen. Ken thought that she must be a girl from his school, there was just something about her voice that made him shiver, plus she knew his name, but then again, everbody did, he was Ken Ijijou. “All of this thinking is making me hungry!” said Davis with a big grin. “You’re always hungry Davis.” replied Yolie, but either way they started to eat. “ So, how’s that American class of yours?” asked Tai “Fine, fine… so Tai, you never finished telling me about your first Digi-World adventure.” and so Tai told her of all the things they endured, and when they were leaving he told her about how the lost their crests, which made Arielle touch hers, just being thankful she had it. Except for the nearly killed by bad guy thing, Arielle had had a pretty good day.

Chapter 8 - Once Again

“Good one Chinkomon!” said Arielle, they were destroying control spires. “Wait to go Chinkomon! Your first Control Spire!” yelled Tai. She, Chase , all the d-3 kids and Tai were there, but everybody else had something to do something else back in the real world. Arielle couldn’t wait for Galomon to digivolve to champion. After about another 2 hours, they saw an Airdramon on the horizon. “Brace yourself!” yelled T.K. “Welcome my chickens, I can see that you think to destroy me, it’s quite obvious.” said the Queen. “Errrrgggghhh of course we do you monster!” yelled Ken, his face was becoming quite red and he was starting to shake. “Make me digivolve, I can do it!” said her Kunemon. “Be quite you fool!” she said back. “Treat your digimon with respect, he’s a lot smarter than you are!” Ken screamed, “Wormmon, it’s time to digivolved!” “Right Ken…Wormmon digivolved to…Stingmon!” “Veemon?” “Hawkmon?” “Patamon?” “Gatomon?” “Armadillomon?” “RIGHT!” and the all digivolved, that is except, Arielle’s “Do you think you can handle it?” asked Arielle who now constantly worried about Galomon losing his strength. “Yup!” “Okay then… Digi-Armor Energize!” she cried. “Galomon digivolved too…Chinkomon, the Star of Chaos!” “Go get her!” whispered Arielle “V-Laser!” “StarPaw!” said Chinkomon, as a giant star burned red in his hand and he swatted the Mushroomon and Floramon that were attacking, several dark rings broke. “All right Chinkomon!” yelled Arielle. Slowly the black rings were diminished, and the Digi-Queen fled, but not without saying this to Ken, “Too bad you didn’t make the Math play-offs this year, because well, I did! Ha ha ha ha ha!” and then she left. “We did it!” cried Davis and Veemon. However, Ken was not as happy, “What’s wrong Ken?” asked Kari. “Well, I just figured out who she was, she’s Mia Kuwia from my class, the only thing is, why did she let herself be known, I mean, when I did I left to the Digi-World for a month, and I let it be known by pure accident and well she…” “She obviously likes to gloat, I hate people like that… Hey Yolie, guess what, Veemon destroyed more control towers than Hawkmon!” and he stuck his tong out. Tai smiled and shook his head, but instantly became serious. “Ken, if she’s not in class tomorrow, or the next day, we can only assume one thing, that she’s taken to the Digital-World, but if she’s there, don’t mention any of this, even if she talks to you, don’t mention anything, ignore her. We have to make it seem as if we don’t know it’s her, are there any other girls in the math whatever she talked about?” “Ya, actually its all girls this year.” “Well pretend to be interested in one that might look similar or something, just until me, or any other older digi-destine says the word, okay?” “K.” said Ken with a slight smile.

Chapter 9 - Explaing

“Mom I’m home!” cried Arielle as she walked into the house. She ran upstairs to her room, where she let Hoshimon out of her back pack. “I think you should just tell your mom about me, it might make my life and yours a whole lot easier.” said Hoshimon while nibbling on some chocolate from Yolie’s parent’s store. “It might, but Chase and I agreed to tell her together besides, I don’t think exactly like what I was doing , even if it was for the better of an entire world, I think we should wait, just a bit longer.” answered Arielle. She lay down on her bed when a thought ran through her head, she had been a digidestine for a whole month! She had become one, on November 10, the date burned into her mind, now it was December 11, nearly Chirstmas! Christmas, the perfect way to get to spend some time with Tai, I can through a party! And everyone could bring their digimon, and… and… DIGIMON! Maybe Hoshimon was right, mybe she should tell her family. She got up and went over to Chase’s room, he was in there playing foosball with shooshoomon. “Chase, I think we should tell them about our digimon, they have to know” “I think your right, we should tell.” Arielle was stunned, she had thought Chase might refuse. They walked into the living room, called her family, and explained it all. “So these things… they’re called digimon, and you you you help them, become them, what?” “They are our partners, infact, now that you have the consept, I think you should meet them, guys!” Hoshimon and Shooshoomon walked in. “AHHHH!” shouted Mr. And Mrs. Basich. “Cool!” whispered Connor. An hour later everybody had calmed down, and Connor was begging Arielle and Chase to take him to the digi-world, Arielle told him on February, 31 she would take him, but later she might change her mind. Once the men/boys had left Arielle turned to her mom, “I thought that maybe, we could through a holiday party… with our friends.” “Do they have digimon.” “Wel… ya…” “I’ll think about it.” “uh mom, the only thing you might object too, is that there might be a lot of kids. Chase and I usually hang out with this one group, but there are digidestine all over the world.” “All over, not just Japan?” “Ya, in France, Australia, There used to be in America, and a lot more!” “I will only agree if one condition, their digidon aren’t that big.” “THANKS MOM! Oh, and its DigiMON not don.” “Whatever.”

Chapter 10 - Breaking News

“GUYS I HAVE THE BEST KNEWS!!!!!!” said Arielle while running to meet up with T.K., Cody and Izzy. It was the end of their last day of school before break. “What?” asked T.K. “Well, Chase and I told our parents about digimon, and then I asked if I could have a holiday party, and she said yes!” “COOL!” “Whose coming?” “Well of course all of you guys, and then I gues the international people you worked with last year, they can come through the digi-port, right?” “I think so… yeah, they should be able to!” said Izzy “Great, let’s tell them!” Yolie “Okay, I get to invite Catherine!” said T.K. “Who?” “The French digidestine Tai and I worked with, she is really, well… cute, Tai and I both uhhh… liked her, but I think she liked me better!” “Arielle, you okay?” “Yeah, just cold.” “Be seeing ya, we’ll call them see if they’re available!” “I can supply food, ask Mimi about games, she’ll know a ton!” “K… bye.” .

Chapter 11 - The Party (Finally)

“Hey Arielle, I heard about your party, am I invited?” asked Tai, who Arielle had met at the ice cream shop. “Uhhh ya, sure Tai.” “Cool, are you okay? I worry about you sometimes, it seems sometimes that your like, sick or something.” “You worry about me?” “Ya, you’re an important part of the team, we really need yours and Chinkomon’s strength.” Arille gave a smile, got up from the counter and said, “See you at my party.” DING - DONG “I’ll get it!” Arielle ran down the steps, for once she decided to look nice, Izzy was already upstairs, Matt and T.K. had gone to pick up the kids from around the world. At the door was Davis and Joe. “Merry Christmas, Happy Hanuka, and Joyful Kwanza!” said Davis with a huge grin. Behind them was everybody else, including Tai, they all came in, saying Merry Christmas and such, but it was Tai who stopped, “Hi Arielle, Merry Christmas. Uhhhh you look… really nice.” he said, Arielle smiled, and then let him in, she was about to close the door, when a boy came running up… “Hello, are you Arielle? I got the message about your party on my D-Terminal… you know you sent it out to everyone in the area.” “Oh, I didn’t know that you were a… I thought that… who are you?” “Joel Kiwia, and this is my partner, Dokunemon.” “KUWIA! Do you know Mia Kuwia?” “Of course, she’s my cousin.” “I think you better come in.” Arielle took his hand and led him inside. “Guys, this is Joel Kiwia, and his partner Dokunemon, he’s one of us, and he lives here.” “Acually I moved here from America.” “Joel, are you aware of your cousin?” said Ken giving him a dirty glare. “ Oh hi Ken, no… what about my cousin, I know she’s a digidestine but… what?” “She’s the digi-queen.” a look of pure shock went on to Joel’s face, slowly the color drained, and he fell on to the couch. “That won’t stop us from treating you well though…” said Arielle shooting Ken a dirty glance, she motioned for Chase to talk to Joel. Just then she heard something upstairs. She ran upstairs to see Matt, Izzy, and T.K. with the International Digidestines. A beautiful girl, with blond hair and a small delicate feature said, “Ahllo, Bonjour, my name iz Catherine, zis iz my friend Naomis, and ’er bruzer Antione.” she smiled the sweetest smile she had ever seen, she could see T.K. melt before her. The other digidestine introduced themselves, one boy, Kai, she had seen before at the movie theatres, quite a few times actually. The last one, was with T.K., he was looking around, and he had a Terriormon and a Lopmon with him. “Arielle, this is Willus, the boy we told you about, from Colorado, Willus I see you got Kokomon back, you see digimon don’t die, not really.” “Hi Willus, nice to meet you!” “Uh… hi.” “Come down stairs!” “Uh… okay.” Arielle led him downstairs, where all the others (except Ken, he wasn’t there when Willus had his little problem with Kokomon) greated him with great enthusiasm. Arielle went over to Joel and Chase, both were talking eagerly about math, the word was an ugly sound in Arielle’s head. “Hey Joel, uh… sorry about the rough start earlier… but Mia really is the Digi-Queen, and I was wondering if you could well… help us with her.” “I’ll try, but Mia has always been a bit to, errr headstrong. The only possible way she could’ve gotten a dark spore, which Chase told me about is that time I had the chicken pox, when we were 8, and she must of gone without me, the only reason I could think of that she hadn’t gone completely evil yet was that she had me to… to stop her, but a while ago I stopped coming to the digi-world because I was being tutored, so I could stay in school with Mia, about 1 month ago.” “That’s about the time Mia showed up.” “Yeah, I tried to get her to come to the party, now I can see why she didn’t want to…” “Yeah… well I’ll be going then and let you guys talk about… math” She walked over to Tai, who was sitting by himself on the couch, he looked surprised to see her. “Hey Tai, wasup?” “Oh… nothing much…” “How’s school?” “Good good… you?” “Great.” “Arielle, did you ever see a digimon, besides one month ago?” Arielle thought hard. “Yeah… when I was little, pictures of funny little creatures used to dance on the screen, I thought that was why I got glasses, because after that, I couldn’t see them anymore.” “Oh.. Okay, I’m going outside for a bit.” “K.” an hour later Tai was still outside, and it was 10:00, they were going to have to put the star on the tree in a couple minutes, and then everybody would go home. Suddenly Tai burst into the room, a huge smile playing on his face. When it was time to put the star on, Patamon flew it to the top. They all sang different holiday songs, some Christmas, some for Hanuka, some for Kwanza, and all others. Somehow, Tai’s hand found Arielle’s through the singing, Arielle let him hold it. T.K. and Matt took the international kids to the digiport, along with Izzy to guide them, Arielle disappeared, came back and hung something on the doorway. When Matt and T.K. came back there was a little talk about what they should do about Mia, Joel had already gone home, but then everybody said it was getting late, and they started to head home. Kari left, already going into the car, but Tai stood under the doorway, to say something, then looked at Arielle and said goodbye . When she got into bed, Hoshimon was there waiting for her already asleep, the evening had tuckered him out, and Arielle was quite tired herself, so she lay into bed and was enclosed into a deep sleep, her dreams smothering her.

“Get up! Get up!” “Go away!” “Arielle, we’re needed, the Digi-Queen is attacking the town, she’s going after something, or someone!” Arielle shot up, she fell out of bed, and fumbled for her jacket and glasses. She then put on her boots and got her d-3. “Let’s go Hoshimon.” “RIGHT!” They stopped to wake up Chase, left a note for their prents, and ran outside. Faster and faster they ran, it was 1:00 in the moring, and nobody was awake. Finally an airdramon came into view, then a skelomon, then a ladydevimon, Davis and T.K. were already there, and they could see Ken running up to them. “It’s time to digivolve, and not to armor.” said Arielle. “I feel your strength Arielle, I can do it!” Arielle held up her digivice and a beam of light shot out. It surrounded Hoshimon, “Hoshimon digivolve to… Galomon, Galomon digivolve to…” this was it, could Galomon really do it? “digivolve to… Starrubiemon!” “Go get them!” whispered Arielle. “Star Burst!” cired Starrubiemon it hit lady devimon right in the head, but that didn’t stop her. Chase’s Canrymon had digivolved also, it was now Falcomon, and it started attacking Skelomon. Davis and Ken DNA digivolved to Imperialdramon. Just then Yolie Kari, and Cody arrived, Cody and T.K. DNA digivolved also,they continued the fighting. So did Yolie and Kari. “They’re stronger!” cried Davis. “From when?” asked Arielle “Exactly one year ago.” “How could they have gotten stronger, there were no black rings!” “I don’t know… they are just well… stronger.” “Of course they’re stronger, I upgraded them on my computer, you don’t think that these are the exact same ones you fought a year ago, do you now?” “What do you mean you upgraded them!” shouted a furious Ken “I mean I made them, they aren’t real, and they do whatever I tell them to!” “Even if you make a digimon, they aren’t just some slave, they are a living thing, just like what I did with…” Ken was interrupted by a screeching laugh. “Of course it’s just what you did, silly boy I copied all the dark towers from you, so really, this is all your fault!” “All my fault…” Ken sank to the ground, his face deathly pale. “All my fault…” and he started to break down, suddenly Imperialdromon de digivolved, it was now Chubimon and leafmon. “KEN DON”T LISTEN TO HER, IT”S NOT YOUR FAULT!” cried Davis. Ken looked at him, then looked at everyone, all of his friends stariing at him, his friends… Ken got up, and looked at Leafmon, “Leafmon, it’s time to use the power of our crest, when Jenie gave everyone the power, it was also meant for everyone who had a crest, its time.” “Right Ken, here I go!”Ken held up his D-3, a silver light blazed in his eyes. “Leafmon digivolve too… Minomon digivolve too… Wormon digivolve too… Stingomon digioplve too… Waspmon!” Davis looked at Ken, “Can we still DNA digivolve?” “I think so… if you digivolve to ultimate, but you don’t have a crest so… I don’t know.” The fighting still ranged, but then, Starrubiemon and Falcomon accidently attacked Mia, the attacks coming ever closer when… “I’ll save you Mia!” siad her Kunemon.

Chapter 13 - Mia?!?!

The attack hit Kunemon, who fell to the ground. Mia leaped off the airdramon to save him, yelling “Kunemon! NOOOOOOOOO!” but Waspmon caught them both, he returned them safely to the ground, then de-digivolved to Leafmon. Kunemon looked at his partner, and said, “Look for me where we first met, I’ll be there, remember you have Michelle in there always, she’ll never forget you.” and he faded away to data. “Kunemon, KUNEMON!” and then Mia started to sob. Just then Joel flew up on his Snimon, he jumped off and ran to Mia. “Mia, he’s gone, but I’m here, I’ll take you home,” all this time Skelomon and Ladydevimon were watching, but then skelomon spoke. “What a cry baby, oh boo hoo, we’re out of here, and oh yeah, thanks for the extra power toots, we will rule this world! And the Digiworld!” and with that they flew away, threw a portal in the sky to the digiworld. “We have to stop them!” cried Davis. “Right now I think we better go to bed…” said Kari. “Yeah.” said T.K. And they left.

Chapter 14 - Sobbing isnt fun

Beep, Beep, Beep, went Arielle’s alarm clock, but then she heard a familiar voice, “Beep, Beep, Beep, Hey Arielle I’m imitating your alarm clock!” said Hoshimon. Arielle opened her eyes and looked around. She yawned then got out of bed, and went downstairs. Her mom was down there making French toast. “What’s the occasion?” asked Arielle. “We decided you need extra strength after last night, we read your note. How did it go?” Arielle grimaced. “The Digi-Queen, a.k.a. Mia Kuwia made these digimon, and upgraded them to be more powerful, then we accidently hurt her digimon partner, who then got converted to an egg someplace, but the digimon she created were like, evil and so they like escaped, and they want to take over the Digi-World, I have a feeling we might be spending a lot of time there…” Arielle had a hopeful expression on her face. “So, you are saying that… the world is in jeopardy, and you and your friends are the only people who can stop it?” “Well… yeah.” “Oh boy… I knew when you saw those, things on the computer screen when you were little it wasn’t good, and when those monsters attacked,a dn you felt okay not leaving the ouse, you even talked to one… I knew it might get you into trouble, but this… this is insane!” “It’s something I have to do.” “I know, I know it is, but isn’t there a safer way?” “None that I know of…” Arielle was interrupted by the doorbell ringing. “OH NO! That’s them, I got to go and get changed! Mom, can we finish this another time?” and without waiting for an answer, Arielle ran upstairs. When she came back down, Tai, Kari, Matt, and T.K. were there. She took them up to Chase’s room, to give him a ‘surprise’ wakeup. “One… two… THREE!” said Matt, and then they poured a bucket of water on him to wake him up, Chase woke up, sputtering and fewming mad. “WHAT THE HECK!” he said. “Uuahh.” said Chase, making a very bland expression. “Okay guys, and girls, time to get to work!” said T.K. “YEAH!” cried someone behind them, and there was Davis and Cody, behind them were Izzy and Yolie. Davis flashed a smile, and made a victory sign. “DIGI-PORTAL ACTIVATE!” cried Cody. They were flashed into a world, unlike anyother. “Rough landing, jeese it’s cold!” said Davis, they were on the ground, in the middle of an Icelandic paradise. A Frigimon came to great them. “Hello there, need some help?” he asked. “YOU BET!” cried Davis. Tai pushed his spiky head down, “Uhh actually we’re find, we just need directions.” “Yeah… DAVIS here was just joking, we’re find, we’re supposed to meet someone here though… a Gabumon…” said Matt through gritted teeth. Just then Gabumon came up, “Sorry I was late, a couple of Mojymon were having a fight and I got caught in the middle of it!” he said. “So… how about those directions?” asked the Frigimon. “Yeah, which way is the capital of server, to the mountain?” asked Cody. “Head… thata way!” said the Frigimon and they started walking. “Wow I’m tired” said Davis. “Really, I’m not!” said Veemon. “Great, you can carry me!” said Davis. “On second thought, I’m bushed!” said Veemon, they both laughed, they were both known for being lazy. Galomon looked at Arielle, who was trying hard not to show how tired she was, but Galomon might as well have read her mind. “Arielle, would you like a ride?” he asked. Arielle nodded numbly, she hated the cold. “Galomon digivolve too… Starrubiemon! Hop on!” he said, and then the other digimon digivolved too, it was presumed that they would get there faster this way. They ran, and flew, until they were in front of a big mountian. “This is the place!” cried Tai, his fing pointing outwards. A piximon came and greeted them, “Well my friends, it has been a long time!” he said. “PIXIMON! We thought that… that…” “Well whatever you thought it was wrong!” he said with a smile. He led them inside, they took an elevater up, and reached a familiar face. “Jenie!” cried Davis. The man smiled. “Come my friends, we have much to discuss, the others are waiting in the next room.” They followed him into a HUGE room. In there were the soverign, Willis, and Joel and Mia, both looking very small and frightened. “Why are they here?” asked Ken, giving Mia a disgusted sneer. “Because they are needed, as are we all.” said Azulongmon. “The process Willis created 5 years ago was never truly deleted, which is where Mia got the records, she perfected it, and created digimon of her own. Now the project is loose, with Skelomon and Ladydevimon controlling, there’s no telling what may happen. They may have not been able to figure how to work it yet, but they will, soon enough. We need you to stop them, and stop the program.” said Ebonwonmon. “The program is unstoppable, I’ve told you that before!” said Mia, Arielle noted that a Kunemon was at her side. “We have figured out how to stop it, the only problem is, it will take th power of the crests, of which there are two,” Jenie motioned to Arielle and Chase, who stood up, and took off their crests, and held them out for all too see. “When the time comes, you will have to unlock the power of the crests, and don’t worry, you’ll know the time!” said Piximon. Willis stood up, and strode out the door, but before he got far, Kari ran up to him. “Willis, we need you.” she said, he considered it a moment, and sat back down. “This is all my fault… If I hadn’t tried to make a digimon…” Willis was interrupted by Davis. “What is it with you guys and feeling sorry for yourselves? Just forget the past, now is now, and nothings going to change that!” said Davis, now looking really agitated, “I mean, first it was Ken with ‘It’s all my fault’, then it was Joel with ‘I’m a terrible cousin,’ then Mia, ‘I made it worse!’ and finally Willi with ‘I created the problem, OH NO!’ I am sick and tired of you guys complaining, so just FORGET IT!” Arielle looked at Davis, then at the others, everyone was as equally shocked as her. Who would of thought that Davis could say something like that? He was Davis… “Let’s get to work!” said Willis with a slight smile. “Good, good. You will need to infultrat the base of the “Black Creaters” this is what they cal themselves.” said Azulongmon “Where is it?” asked Matt “That’s just the thing… we don’t know.” said Genei. Everybody just gaped at him. “WHAT DO YOU MEAN YOU DON’T KNOW!!!!!!!!” shouted everybody. Genie turned red and started to reasure them. “That’s why we called you, youy have to find out!” “That might take days!” complained Arielle “Well, start out early in the moring, come back around 6:00 pm” “What about when school starts?” asked Izzy suspiciously, he was not one to miss school, same as Joe. “Well… hopefully you’ll have found it by then. Everyday Baihumon will meet you here, and he will help you everyday.” said Ebonwongmon. “Fine…” said everybody, and they left for home.

Chapter 15 - Old Friends... New enemies!

“Ahhh, I don’t see why we have to do all this work!” said Davis “Because your digidestine, it’s what you do!” said Tai giving him a light shove. “But… but, … but…” a look from Matt shut him up. They were somewhere in the jungle, looking for “the base” it was the next day, and it was taking a while, or more like forever. Arielle looked around, there was nothing in sight, except for trees, tress, and LOOK, MORE TREES! Davis slumped towards the ground, “I need a break, we do less walking in soccer practice.” “That’s because we run Davis, maybe we aughtta give that a try…” and Tai pushed Davis over a log while snickering, but somehow Davis went through the log, and kept fallling, and falling.’ “AHHHHHHHHHHH VEEMON HELP!” he scream… “Veemon digivolve too… X-Veemon!! And with that he flew down to rescue Davis. When he came back up Davis was unusually happy. “I told you it was no problem!” he said with a grin, “I knew I could find the base!” he flashed a victory sign. Tai sighed, Matt rolled his eyes and Arielle just giggled. They contacted the rest on the D-Terminal, and they came strait over. “It seems possible, from what we know of the digiworld.” said Izzy, and with that they plunged into the log, and fell into uytter darkness. “It seems those children have fallen into our little trap, let’s see what we can make them do…” “AAAAHHHHHHHH GALOMON!” cried Arielle, she was falling and falling, no one was near her, she couldn’t see anybody at least… Finally she hit the ground with a sickening thud. She looked around, everyone was staring at her, and Galomon was right by her side. She blshed, got up, brushed herself off, and went over to Tai. They went down a rocky corridor, lit only with the light of Agumon’s flame. Arielle stayed close to Tai, she was raterh scared of what might be up ahead. She clutched his arm, tighter and tighter, until at last they came to a clearing of light, pure light, that’s when Mia screamed, “AHHHH…. THAT’S IT! THAT’S THE PROGRAM!” she cheered wildly that they were able to find it, but Willus looked perplexed, “You sure did… change it…” “Welll… yeah, I guess I did.” theyt traveled around it, something in the middle was spinning, and causing the light… “They’re making a digimon…” she said, looking rather quessy. “I can stop it… bhut… wel… it might take a while, maybe even day…” she didn’t finsh, she was cut off by a large grinding noise… “they’re pretty far, but maybe I can de-programm it, or at least change it from good to evil…” This time Willus cut her off, “Just de-programm it… it would be better for the digimon that way…” “Yeah….” and Mia got to work.

Chapter 16 - Cleansing

All the digimon digivolved to their highest level to make sure no one got in the room…. It took a couple hours, but finally… Mia said “DONE!” she had an accomplished look on her face, but suddenly the room was covered in shadows “SILLY GIRL! YOU HAVE MERELY HELPED US CREATE A DIGIMON…IT WAS ALLL AN ELLUSION! I SWITCHED THE PROGRAMMING, SO EVERY THING IS OPPOSITE!” out of the darkness came Skelomon and LadyDevimon, along with AquaDeimon, and IceDevimon, the Dark Creators. “Make a wish!” said Davis, and they all did, even the older digidestine… but nothing happened. “I’M SORRY, BUT THIS ROOM IS WISH FREE! I PROGRAMMED IT THAT WAY!!!!!!!!!!” said IceDevimon, who then laughed evily. “YOU SEE MIA, WE’RE NOT AS STUPID AS YOU WOULD LIKE TO THINK!” said AquaDevimon. The orb began to turn again, fast and faster, but there was a smile on Mia’s face, “You think I wasn’t prepared for this, I programmed it to be the ultimate light beign, which means that I reprogrammed the creator machine!” she said, But there was no hint of horror on the Dark Creator’s face, they were merely smiling, waiting for the battle to come. Faster and Faster the orb turned, spinning light until… it stopped, and out popped nothing, but light, it formed into an angel… but not an angle… it was a digimon, but it wasn’t, it was light. The battle began, and everyone DNA digivolved, except for the people who couldn’t, Arielle, Chase, Joel, and Mia, but they looked towards each other, and knew it was time, but suddenly, they left the world, they were floating up to their digimon, and in their digimon, then all four of their digamous and themselves digivolved together, into another ultimate light beign. “YOU MUST BE CLEANSED!” it cried…. “ORB OF LIGHT!” it called, along with the other one, they threw their orbs, and it smothered the Dark Creators… and all was gone.

Chapter 17 - The Light Digimon

 Arielle awoke, and looked around, all around her was ligt, everything was light, she was light! ‘Arielle…’ something called, ‘Arielle…’ ‘I’m here’ said Arielle in return, the beign of light strode over to her, it’s brilliance there more than ever. ‘Thankyou… for releasing me… I can now watch over the digiworld in peace.’ ‘It wasn’t me… it was Mia.’ ‘No, it was Mia who did the thinking, but you released me, with your crest… and your heart.’ Arielle hadn’t even noticed her crest was gone, but it was. ‘You are the true beign of light, you Kari, Chase and T.K. are the ones…goodbye Arielle… we will meet again.’ Arielle was in tears, <‘Goodbye, Lightone…’ and then she woke up.

Chapter 18 - Thank Digimon!

“HHMMM…” she looked around, this wasn’t her bed… she was in a room, an all white room… where was Galomon? “She’s awake!” cried someone outside, who’s voice was that… it was so familiar… it had a loving apeal… oh yes, it was Tai. People rushed into her room, and memories and names floated back to her, T.K., Cody Izzy… Tai… “We were so worried…” said Tai, who was trying hard not to cry, “When your digimon burst, with you inside it… we thought… we thought, Chase and Joel, and Mia weren’t hurt, but you… you… didn’t wake up, we carried you here, to the hospital, they said that… you cracked you head and… might not get up again…” he broke down, and so did everyone else. “Galomon… Galomon… I need to tell him about the Light One…” “I’m here Arielle…” said her wonderful friend, “He said, we released him, he’s there to watch over the Digital World for forever, and… and… then I had to go…” she was crying to… they all were, her family rushed into the room, and everyone was suddenly laughing, the digiworld was safe or forever. The End

Epilogue 1

"Be good at college!" said Arielle. It was 2 and one half years after the light incident as the now called it. Tai and the older kids were now leaving for college. They were at the airport. Tai looked at Arielle... and saw not only one of his closest friends... but also the person he loved. "Dont forget me..." said Arielle. "How could I ever?" said Tai. They hugged... and Tai went to get on the plane. TK, Davis... etc. waved goodbye to the plane... and new that their friends were on their biggest adventure yet... adulthood. ( Airkid: Creepy isn't it? That the digidestine you know and love are all grown up... well almost)

Epilogue 2 / 26 years after the “light incident” (2 years after the reunion on the show)

(If you are unhappy that T.K. and Kari and Tai and Sora do not marry each other that’s okay, I am too. But I want to keep this as close to the real thing as possible, I may change a few jobs though. Like Matt, Cody’s, Sora’s, and Tai’s which are completely wrong for them! I mean Astronaut, Lawyer, Fashion Designer, and Diplomat/Ambassador? Those soooo don‘t fit, but as for relation ships, I tried to keep that the same relationship, while adding a few things, XD)

T.K.: Co. Author with Arielle Married to - Catherine (French Digidestine) Kids - 1 son, age 12 name T.J., who looks exactly like T.K., a and one Daughter, Claire age 3 and looks exactly like Catherine. Kids Digimon - T.J. = Tokomon Clair = (fresh of Floramon) * I know, it should have been Kari, but they dated for a while, and they were just too good of friends for a real

Davis: Owns a Noodle cart Married to - non digidestine Kids - 1 son, age 14, David Kids digimon - Demiveemon

Yolie: Started a computer company called Perfecto Married to - Ken Kids - 1 girl, age 14, looks exactly like Yolie, except with Ken’s Hair name Jena 2 boys, Age 10 and 3. Age 10 = Looks like young ken with Yolie’s hair, named Kit. 3 = Looks like a baby boy, except with Yolie’s hair, named Sam. Kids Digimon - Jena = Porumon, Kit = Minomon, Sam = Leafmon

Ken: Detective Everything else, see Yolie above

Kari: Kindergarden Teacher Married to - Akira (Eldest Hoi brother from Hong Kong) Kids - 1 boy, age 12, looks like boy version of Kari name Kyle. 1 girl, age 3, looks like girl version of Akira, named Kayla. Kids Digimon = Kyle’s = Coralmon (in training version of Akira’s Digimon Kayla= Yukimibotaomn (fresh version of Kari’s)

Cody: Kendo Instructer/ Owner of liquid yogert company. “KendoYogert.” Married to: non digidestine Kids = 1 daughter, Celia, age 13 Kids Digimon = Upamon

Chase: Ambassador to the digiworld. Married to - non digidestine. Kids = 2 sons, Benson (Ben or Benny) age 10, and Gregory (Greg), age 8. Kid’s Digimon - Benson = Sooshoomon, Greg = Sooshoomon

Mia: Artist Married to - non digidestine Kids - 1 girl, age 13, named Merrisa Kids Digimon = Merrisa = Kunkunmon (intraing of Kunemon)

Joel: Co. Scientist with Izzy Married - Non-digidestine Kids - 1 boy, age 10, Jay Kids Digimon - Jay = Dokunkunmon (intraing of Dokunemon)

Izzy: Co. Scientist with Joel Married: Mina (Indian Digidestine) Kids- 1 Girl, age 10 named Iana, one boy, age 8 named Izzy Both look like Izzy, except Iana’s a girl. Kids Digimon - Iana = Tindermon (in training of Merramon) Izzy = Motimon

Joe : Digi-Docter Married - non digidestine Kids - 1 boy, age 11, named Jim. Kids Digimon - Jim = Bukamon

Mimi: Has a Cooking Show called “Palmon’s Diner!” Married to - Michael Kids - 1boy, Marek, age 10, looks like Michael with Mimi’s hair. 1 girl, Mellisa, age 3, looks like Mimi with Michael’s hair. Kid’s Digimon - Marek = Finmon (in training of Betamon) Melissa = Yuramon (Fresh of Palmon)

Willus: Photographer Married to - non digidestine Kids - 2 boys, Wat, age 10, and Wallace, age 8 Kids Digimon - Wat = Gummymon, Wallace = Kokomon

Sora: Prof. Owns a highly successful soccer company called SoccerLove and a owns a girl soccer camp, encouraging girls to take sports head on and not let the boys beat them! Married to - Matt Kids - 1 girl, looks like girl version of Matt, age 12, named Sara 1 boy, looks like boy version of Sora, age 8, named Yamato J.R. (Matt) Kids Digimon - Sara = Yokomon, Matt = Tsunomon

Matt: Semi - Famous rocker, has own band named Lone Wolves For all other information see above.

Arielle: Co. Novelist with T.K. Married to - Tai Kids - 2 boys, Tyson, looks exactly like Tai, age 10, Tyler, age 8, looks like Tai with Arielle’s colors (Green eyes, blonmd hair, a lighter tan skin.) 2 girls, Ariana (Ari), looks exactly like Arielle with Tai’s colors, and no galsses, age 8, Adriana (Adri) looks exactly like Arielle, age 3. Kids Digimon - Tyson & Tyler = 2 Koromon, Ari and Adri = 2 Hoshimon.

Tai: Prof. Soccer Player (Sora’s company, SoccerLove sponsors his team, and he’s her poster boy) For everything else, see above. _____________________________________________________________

“Everybody ready?” said Tai as they all came near the computer. The kids nodded their heads, and each held up their digi-vice, a new type called a Digi-X or D-X. Tyson, the eldest looked at Tai, Tai’s old goggles (the ones Arielle gave him) sitting on his head. Tyler had Tai’s fake crest, and Ari had Arielle’s, they were saving Arielle’s hat for Adri for when she got older. Arielle smiled at Tai, held out her digivice and said, “DIGI - PORTAL ACTIVATE!” and once again, they were gone in a brilliant flash of Light. Tyson looked around, everything in the Digi-World interested him, it was just so amazing that it existed. Arielle looked at her watch, “We’re early!” she said, Galomon sat down, and waited patiently for the others. “I love having reunions!” said Tai, it was customary for them to all go “camping” in the Digi-World for 1 week each year as a reunion, every year Arielle hoped to see the Light Digiomn again, but she never did. “K’mon Koromon! Let’s explore!” said Tyler, in an eager childlike way, it brought Tai back to when he first met his Koromon, all those years ago… he looked lovingly at Agumon, who was asleep against a tree. Suddenly they saw someone on the horizon, it was Matt and Sora and their kids! “MATT! IT’S GREAT TO SEE YOU MAN!!!!” said Tai crying out gleefully at the site of his best friend, who he had not seen in 8 months because Matt was on a tour, and because he then had soccer season. Matt smiled his smile, the little half one, that made his eyes show all the joy in the world. “Little Matt’s here!” cried out Tyler and he rushed off to greet him, while Tyson went to greet Sara (who he had a crush on, just because Tai and Sora didn’t get married, doesn’t mean their kids can’t!) Ari hung back, waiting for other to come, Tyler and Little Matt were so clearly bonded to each other she didn’t want to get in the way, and as for Tyson and Sara well… they were older. Next Izzy SR and Mina came, Iana ran up to Tyson and Sara, while Izzy ran towards Ari (he liked her, but just as like a best friend) Mina wathed them… occasionally shouting to Izzy to tie his shoes, while Izzy went over to Tai and co. Tyson and Matt stopped romping about to come over to Ari and Izzy, they all knew what was coming. Next came Yolie and Ken, their kids all running up to their age group. Eventually all the other digidestine got there too, and then Kari pulled out her camera to get ready for a group photoh, first one with the aduls (changes from real picture, Tai grew his hair back , well a little, Matt also grew more hair, and Michael, Catherine, Mina and Willus are there) next one with all kids (changes, more kids, well, its just different, I would draw it but that would take for ever!) and then one huge group photoh, all togther! When they were all going home, at the end of the week, Tyson looked up, and the sky rippled with light, and a cheery voice seemed to be laughing, he wondered what it was.

Nothing much as far as I know. D:
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