My Story

Episode 2: "A New Digimon"
EnglishVersionWritten by:DigimonGirl

Susan(narrating): Just when we thought our digiventures had stopped, they started back up again. This time though, the new DigiDestined are our kids! We ended up telling them everything.

[opening scene: EXT.-Susan's car]

Kelsey: Are we going to get digimon?

Susan: I'm positve you will.

Davis: We're here!

Susan: Hurry now!

[children sprint to the computer lab, their parents right behind them]

Tai: Susan! What took you so long?!

Susan: Sorry Mister Big Shot!

Emily: Mom!

Tai's son: Dad!

Kari: Tai!

Madeline: Susan!

Joe: Break it up you two! We don't need another DigiBattle going on.

Susan: Hmph!

Tai: Hmph!

Sora: Oh never mind!

Kari: Susan, we have a slight problem.

Susan: What?

Kari: We can't get in to the DigiWorld.

Susan: I wonder..........Emily! Hold your digivice up to the computer and say 'Digi Port Open!' Okay?

Emily: If you say so. Digi Port Open!

Matt: Try saying please.

Emily: Okay. Digi Port Open! Please?

TK's son: I guess our parents were wrong, that's not the magic word after all.

Susan: Wait a minute! The screen says somthing! 'Go back to the beginning.'

Kelsey: What does that mean?

Susan: Where did we first become DigiDestined?

TK,Matt,Tai & Sora: At summer camp!

Susan: Let's go then!

[song-kick it up]

Suzy: Mommy, I'm bored.

Cody: Me to.

Suzy: Can we go home?

Susan: No, not yet.

Davis: We're here!

Susan: Look! Stray digimon!

[small digimon bouncing around where the 1st group of kids went to the digital world]

Kari: Look!

[all the children look over to the spot Kari is pointing to]

Susan: Kari! What's happening to us!

Tai: What the....

[Tai,Kari,Matt,Sora,Madeline,Yolie,TK and Susan are surrounded by a swirling mist as are Joe,Mimi,Izzy,Davis and Cody]

Suzy: Mommy! Where are you going!

Susan: Davis!

[The parents disappear completely]

Suzy: Mommy!

[other world]

Susan: Oof! Where am I? We're...getting...younger...Oh.

[Susan and Kari pass out]

Davis: Susan, Wake up...Oh.

[Davis and others pass out]

Tai: kids...Oh.

[Tai passes out]
[human world]

Cody: Where is Mommy?

[a demiveemon comes over to Devon]

DemiVeemon: Hi!

Devon: Ah!

DemiVeemon: Ah!

Stranger: Why hello there!

All kids: Ah!

[all stand in front of digimon]

Thomas: Who are you?

Stranger: Hi! I'm Katie. Why did you guys bring stuffed animals to a summer camp?

Emily: Uh...cause we felt like it. Didn't we guys?

Everybody: Yea.

Katie: Cool. I'm just wondering how old you are? I'm going to be your councelor.
Steffenie,Kelly,Margret and Lisa, your going to be in cabin 1 with me.....

Kenny[wispering]: How are we going to rescue Mom and Dad?

Thomas[wispering]: I don't know.

Digimon: Hey guys, she's gone.

Thomas and Kenny: Ah!


Digimon: Hi! I'm Kougaramon! And this is my brother Kougarmon. We'll take good care of you.

[end D.A.]

Emily: And why should we trust you!

Kougarmon: Because! We were your monther's digimon!

Kougaramon: Kougarmon! Just leave them! Let them figure it out for themselves.

Kougarmon: Women...

[a huge rainbow circles around the digidestined and they are lifted into the air. the older digidestined's run and get caught in the beam.]

Kougaramon: Yea! We're going back to the Digital World!

Agumon: Hey! Where is Tai?

Kougarmon: I don't know. I was looking for Susan.

Emily: I thought you were supposed to watch her.

Kougaramon: Power-

Kougarmon: Lightning Punch!

Agumon: Pepper Breath!

Digimon: Blue Blaster!

Digimon: Spiral Twister!

Digimon: Super Shocker!

Digimon: Marching Fishes!

Digimon: Poison Ivy!

Digimon: Boom Bubble!

Digimon: Lightning Claw!


Agumon: Here are some friends of mine. They're Gabumon,Biyomon,Tentomon,
Gomamon,Palmon,Patamon and Gatomon.

[end D.A.]

Kougaramon: Why did you do that for! They were asking for it!

Kougaramon: You could have hurt them

Patamon: Yeah!

Agumon: Yeah!

Biyomon: Yeah!

Devon: Quiet!

[Kougarmon and Kougaramon glare at each other]

Emily: Where are we?

Agumon: The Digital World.

Tai's son: Cool

Kougarmon: I have one question, how are we supposed to digivolve with out Susan?

Tentomon: It is impossible.

Kenny(wispering): What are they talking about?

Thomas(wispering): I don't know.

Tentomon: Where is Izzy when you need him. By the way, where is Izzy?

Emily: Didn't you see?! Mom,Dad, and their friends got sucked away!

HK: My mom told me about that! She said Tai had been taken away by something.

Lisa: Whoa.

Kougarmon: Watch out! It's Dark Tyrannomon!


Kougarmon: He's one of the most powerful Digimom. His blaze blast attack incinerates him enemies.

[end D.A.]

Kougaramon: RUN!

[while running]

Emily: What is that?!

Kougarmon: It's Dark Tyrannomon. Since we can't fight, and you guys don't really know how to fight, we thought it best to get out of here.

Kougaramon: Now where did Tentomon go!

Tentomon: Ssh! I'm in here!

Thomas: What is that?

Tentomon: It's a hiding tree, silly.

Kougaramon: Tentomon, Dark Tyrannomon can burn trees, even hiding trees. Power Punch!

Kougarmon: Lightning Punch!

Patamon: Boom Bubble!

Gatomon: Lightning Claw!

[other world]

Susan: The kids need us.

TK: So do our digimon

Kari: We have to help them digivolve.

[human world]

Kougaramon: I feel weird!

Kougarmon: So do I!

Gatomon: Me to!

Patamon: Me to!

Kougaramon:Kougaramon digivolve to... Angelwomon!

Kougarmon:Kougarmon digivolve to... Angelmon!

Patamon:Patamon digivolve to... Angemon!

Gatomon:Gatomon digivolve to...Angewomon!




Gomamon:How come they can digivolve.

Agumon: I don't know!

Gabumon: They defeated him!

Palmon: Why is there a key on the ground?

Agumon: I don't know. Why don't you go pick it up.

Narrator: How do you use the key? What is it for? Find out next time, on Digimon: Digital Monster!